Day of the discovery of the relics of Fyodor of Smolensk and his children David and Konstantin

164 years after the repose of Prince Theodore, his incorruptible relics and the relics of his sons (David and Constantine) were transferred to the Monastery of the Holy Savior in YaroslavlDay of the discovery of the relics of Fyodor of Smolensk and his children David and Konstantin The three of them were placed in one tomb It was March 18, 1463 Since then, this day has been celebrated as the holiday of the discovery of relics, which are credited with miraculous powers The Day of Remembrance of the Three Holy Princes is celebrated on October 2 On this day in 2011, the holy remains were honorably transferred to the Yaroslavl Cathedral On Christian icons, Prince Theodore is depicted with his teenage sons This ruler and his sons were respected by the common people and loved by the church But the icon with the face of three Saints saw the world only in the 16th century On it the prince himself and his heirs to the throne are depicted with swords Weapons in the hands of the father-ruler and his sons speak of the power of the princely family and the dignity of origin The birth of the holy noble prince Theodore, Smolensk and Yaroslavl fell during the period of the Tatar-Mongol intervention in Rus' His father was the son of the Smolensk prince Rostislav Mstislavovich, and his grandfather was Vladimir Monomakh At baptism, the boy was named Theodore in honor of the holy great martyr Theodore Stratelates, respected by the warrior princes of Rus' The boy was raised with love for God He grew up courageous, brave, and knowledgeable in military affairs From his marriage to the daughter of the Tatar Khan (who received Christian baptism and the name Anna), he had two sons, David and Konstantin Prince Theodore became famous for his military victories, piety, mercy, charity, justice, and concern for the construction and equipment of God's churches He more than once acted as a cunning diplomat in relations with the Tatar-Mongol khans With his assistance, several churches were built in Yaroslavl His sons inherited their father's piety and righteousness They all died at different times, but they were all classified as Saints Now the relics of all three Saints are kept in one sarcophagus in the Yaroslavl Cathedral

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