In 1997, by decree of the President, Ukraine began to celebrate the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language Initially, the date chosen for this was November 9 The fact is that earlier on this day the children went to school In addition, on this day it is customary to remember Nestor the Chronicler - the man who developed written Ukrainian in the 11th-12th centuries in Kievan Rus with the help of his written works Thus, the Day of Ukrainian Literature is not only a state holiday, but also an Orthodox holiday From 2023, due to the reform of the church calendar in Ukraine, this holiday has been moved to October 27
The Ukrainian written language has a very long history, the famous chronicles of Nestor about the history of Kievan Rus, as well as the biographies of Boris and Gleb, Theodosius of Pechersk were written in Ukrainian back in the 11th century All his life, Nestor was a monk of the monastery and was engaged in books; he described the events that he had to observe during his life - thereby greatly helping modern scientists in studying the history of Ukraine Of course, since then, writing in the country has changed significantly, however, commonality in the symbols of even the modern alphabet is still observed
Today, October 27 is celebrated in the country with memories of Nestor; traditionally, flowers are brought to the monument In addition, Ukrainian editorial offices and publishing houses that publish their books and magazines on the state language - especially Exhibitions and book fairs are often organized, the purpose of which is to familiarize residents of the country with the variety of literature that is published in the state in the Ukrainian language
For a country, language is an important component of the culture of the people The cohesion, friendliness, and culture of the people of each state are determined by the presence of their own state language It is not without reason that they say that a person is as many times a person as he knows how many languages he speaks, because this is not only the symbolic transmission of one’s own thoughts, it is also the thoughts themselves - the ability to flexibly adapt information to oneself in the mind in several languages is a unique human skill that needs to be developed
So, on October 27, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Ukrainian Literature and Language - as a symbol of patriotism, the development of the culture of one’s own country and all its inhabitants