The Day of Workers of Pre-trial Detention Centers and Prisons in Russia is classified as a professional holiday and applies to workers of all levels who carry out their activities in prisons or pre-trial detention centers in our country This holiday has been celebrated since 2006 on October 31 and owes its appearance to the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Kalinin Yuri Ivanovich The choice of such a date for celebration is associated with the creation of such an institution as a pre-trial detention center, which occurred in 1963
As a rule, on this day, various ceremonial events are held annually for employees of these institutions, at which a large number of congratulations and words of gratitude are heard, various kinds of certificates and other awards are presented, announcements of the special merits of individual citizens and other wishes take place Very often, former employees who dedicated their lives to working in the penal system and retired to a well-deserved retirement are also invited to such celebrations
The penal system consists of a large number of institutions, which, unfortunately, are never empty Therefore, to service them, as well as to protect the people they contain, a fairly large number of employees are required, whose work activity is inextricably linked with constant stress and risk Such people have a persistent character, great endurance and a host of other important qualities that they need to properly perform service and protect law and order
The main purpose of pre-trial detention centers and prisons is to detain lawbreakers and securely isolate them from the rest of society This guarantees the safety of not only citizens who are at large, but also the prisoners themselves, the observance and enforcement of their legal rights
In addition to the main institutions for holding prisoners, there are a fairly large number of educational institutions, as well as religious organizations They were created to organize vocational education for people in custody and ensure their rights to freedom of religion All this also requires the participation of certain personnel with appropriate qualifications Since this type of activity is related to ensuring compliance with the law, the work of employees of such institutions is very important at any time, since law and order in the country depends on it