September 15, 1922 is the day the USSR Sanitary and Epidemiological Service was created From this day on, the creation and formation of specialized sanitary and preventive institutions began Since this date, the activities of sanitary institutions have been centralized, the number of specialized and narrowly focused sanitary medicine institutions has increased, a system has been formed in the field of preventive measures for viral diseases, education of all segments of the population in the field of sanitary standards began to occur and be promoted, medical care has become a sphere accessible to all layers of citizens
In 1933, the State Sanitary Inspectorate was formed, a supervisory body managing other departments of sanitary medicine in the USSR The inspectorate existed until the 1950s In 1963, the “Regulations on State Sanitary Inspection in the USSR” were approved Since 1991, another stage began in the field of preventive institutions, characterized by the adoption of new measures at the legislative level, namely the introduction of regulation of the activities of the sphere of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological standards Since 1991, full monitoring of sanitary hygiene and the epidemiological situation in Russia began to be carried out In 1993, it was separated from the sanitary and epidemiological service, and a new body was created - the State Trade Inspectorate, whose powers included monitoring compliance with rules in the field of trade and public catering, as well as preventing the sale of obviously low-quality or damaged goods and products to stores and retail outlets
Reorganization and renovation of the sanitary-epidemiological service institutions took place in 2004 and 2013 A new institution was created called Rospotrebnadzor, a body responsible for the protection of consumer rights and the well-being of both the individual citizen and the entire country Currently, institutions of sanitary and epidemiological services, subordinate and part of Rospotrebnadzor, are engaged in monitoring and supervising the epidemiological situation on the territory of the Russian Federation, and also carry out measures to prevent epidemics, viral and seasonal diseases The scope of control of Rospotrebnadzor also includes the protection of consumers and their rights in the field of food and non-food products
In 2012, employees of Rospotrebnadzor created and instituted a medal in honor of the ninetieth anniversary of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation This medal was awarded to workers in the sanitary and hygienic sector
Few people know, but the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service also has its own unofficial anthem, which talks about the health of citizens
September 15 is an unofficial professional holiday for employees of epidemiological services, the founding day of the SES service in Russia