The service sector, compared to other areas of human activity, differs in a number of features One of them is an individual approach to the client The culture of service provision is based on the fact that the consumer of goods or services is always right This principle illustrates the process of fighting for a buyer or customer, which is done primarily for the sake of profitability However, on November 29, a funny holiday is celebrated - “The Customer is Not Always Right” Day
Capitalism as an economic system aims to satisfy the needs of consumers The free market is based on reconciling supply and demand and making money from the provision of goods and services The date of World Consumer Rights Day, established by the UN in 1983, falls on March 15th The phrase “The customer is always right,” which is directly related to this holiday, is attributed to the owner of the Selfridge chain of London department stores, Harry Gordon Selfridge His statement has been the trademark slogan of shopping centers since 1924 With this expression, the owner of the department stores wanted to demonstrate the customer focus of his business
According to another version, the author of the famous phrase is millionaire Marshall Field, an American entrepreneur, founder of the Marshall Field & Company trading network, who lived at the end of the 19th century However, not all representatives of business and enterprises operating in the service sector agree with the statement “The customer is always right” The UK's largest hotel chain, where up to 19 million guests stay annually, conducted a sample and voiced the most eccentric and absurd requests from guests
The employees of the English Travelodge chain, consisting of 570 hotels of various categories, did a lot of work in 2019 They collected the most unusual requests and wishes of guests who were guided by the principle “The customer is always right”:
• wake up the guest at a certain time using the sounds of bagpipes, because he loves this musical instrument;• prepare a bunk bed for the dogs with whom the tourist checked into the hotel, because his pets are used to sleeping on it at home;• organize a view from the window in the form of the northern lights;• record a voice message for the hotel staff in Scotland Sean Connery - one of the performers of the role of the iconic agent 007; • provide a flock of sheep under the windows, because this helps the guest fall asleep quickly;• hire a nanny for your daughter’s hamster and send her by mail to another county
Due to their impossibility, the staff rejects these and other demands of the guests with a constant smile on their faces Although in one of the 5* hotels of the chain there is an employee whose job responsibilities include heating the beds of guests before they go to bed
Experts say that the famous expression in its original version goes like this: “Assume that the customer is always right until the opposite becomes obvious” This phrase is most true In most cases, the consumer of goods or services thinks only about himself, often makes mistakes, has no idea about the structure of the finished product, and therefore demands the impossible In addition, endless indulgence in the whims of service users demotivates the organization's employees
“The Customer is Not Always Right” Day encourages you to look at the other side of the coin - the absurdity of some consumer claims and the endless fulfillment of their requests The Customer is Wrong Day holiday allows store sellers, employees of public service enterprises and other professionals whose activities involve constant communication with buyers of goods and customers of services to “breathe out” once a year