V Druzhinnikov, NN Eremenko and Nikolai Eremenko Jr, V Gostyukhin, A Kotenev, I Matskevich These actors make up the golden fund of Belarusian cinema The names of directors L Nechaev, V Turov, Y Tarich, V Korsh-Sablin, M Ptashuk, V Rubinchik and other luminaries are forever inscribed in its history December 17 is widely celebrated as Belarusian Cinema Day The holiday was established by the president of the country in 1994 The date for the solemn day was not chosen by chance - in December 1924 the Belarusfilm studio was opened
Over the years of its existence, the production association has produced more than 500 feature films and 100 animated films Although cinema in the form of news chronicles existed in Belarus long before the arrival of the October Revolution “Train Wreck at Rudniki Station” and the film “Excavator - Infernal Machine Behind the Brest Station” are among the few films that have survived to this day The films were shot by local cameramen who showed them in numerous cinemas There were more than 60 of them in Minsk alone
On December 17, 1924, under the People's Commissariat of Education, the Directorate for Cinematography and Photography, called "Belgoskino", was formed Cinemas, along with professional equipment, were nationalized In 1925, the film laboratory created on the basis of Belgoskino released the first documentary film in the popular science genre, “A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body” And in 1926, the drama “Forest Story” directed by Yuri Tarich was released The film, like “Red Leaves” by Vladimir Kosh-Sablin, “Come and See” by Alexey Kravchenko, “A Girl Looks for Her Father” by Lev Golub, “White Dews” by Igor Dobrolyubov, is a classic of Belarusian cinema
Until the end of the 30s, the studio was located in Leningrad, because Filmmakers did not have a technical or artistic base in Minsk “Soviet Belarus” only got its own back office in 1939 During the Great Patriotic War, part of the film studio, along with its material and technical resources, was evacuated to Alma-Ata The directors who remained in Minsk filmed war chronicles - patriotic sketches and film magazines "Live, dear Belarus!" In 1941, the feature film "The Janusz Family" was released With the participation of Belarusian directors, “The Defeat of German Troops near Moscow” was filmed - a film awarded the first Oscar in the history of the USSR
Within the walls of the country's main film studio, films with famous Soviet actors were filmed: Mikhail Zharov, Olga Andreevskaya, Marianna Vertinskaya, Nina Urgant, Savely Kramarov, Rolan Bykov, Vladimir Vysotsky and Vladimir Etush The country's main film studio produced such masterpieces as “City of Masters” (1965), “I Come from Childhood” (1966), “The Adventures of Pinocchio” (1975), “State Border” (1980) ) and other famous paintings
In 1976, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the release of Lesnaya Byli, a museum of Belarusian cinema was opened It contains documents and materials telling about the history and development of national cinema The museum collection contains thousands of masterpieces of documentary and feature films
"Belarusfilm" in Soviet times specialized in the production of films for children, among which the most famous among others are the films "About Little Red Riding Hood", "Denikin's Stories", "Sold Laughter", "Dagger" and "Red, Honest, in Love" The country's main film studio is a long-liver; it will soon turn 100 years old The symbol of national cinema is revered by viewers of all ages, so December 17 is joyfully celebrated as Belarusian Cinema Day