Music appeared during the Paleolithic period - about 300 thousand years ago Throughout the existence of mankind, this type of art has undergone various changes - folklore was replaced by original works, harp and flute - bass guitar and synthesizer, classics and church singing - rock and jazz November 21 is the Day Without Music, calling attention to its low quality and thoughtless use by modern society
The initiator of the No Music Day celebration is the Scottish artist, writer and musician William Drummond He proposed in 2005 to begin celebrating the Day Without Music on November 21, choosing this date not by chance The patroness of the most ancient form of art, in particular chorales, liturgies, masses and other genres of church chant, is Cecilia of Rome The Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr falls on November 22 Therefore, No Music Day on the 21st becomes a kind of fast before the Catholic holiday
W Drummond, like many of his contemporaries, believe that the low quality standards of music of the XX-XXI centuries devalue it as an art form Classic works, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, have a beneficial effect on the human body and animals Music improves memory, treats mental trauma and physical illnesses According to scientists, 10 minutes of listening to Mozart’s works increases the speed of solving spatial thinking problems To increase milk yield, barns are equipped with speakers to broadcast slow classical music The favorite genre of our smaller friends, dogs, is reggae It is known that indoor flowers begin to grow quickly to the sounds of classical music
Music inspires and motivates to great achievements, relaxes and calms, lifts your mood and vitality, makes you think, helps you cope with difficulties and adversity How is No Music Day celebrated? The radio stations that take part in the holiday do not play classical and modern compositions, incl jingles Cafes, restaurants and shops are refusing to broadcast musical works, and in some countries cinemas are showing films without soundtracks
It is known that none of the members of the Beatles group knew musical notation Most modern pop singers, including hip-hop, soft rock and other genres, do not even have a basic musical education An amateurish approach has a bad effect on the results of both creativity and any other type of activity
A day without music calls for attention to the low level of poetry of modern songs and their sound accompaniment The alarm melody, the phone ringing, audio recordings with tracks coming from everywhere have become part of our daily life The perception of classical works requires the application of mental effort and a thoughtful approach to what is heard, a melody sounding in the background does not Modern music has lost touch with cultural tradition and art - No Music Day encourages people to think about this