In European countries, 15-25% of the adult population suffers from obesity, in Mexico - 328%, in the USA - 36% More than 2 billion people around the world have a high body mass index, which indicates the global scale of the problem Anti-Obesity Day, which is celebrated annually on November 26, encourages people to think about lifestyle changes and excess weight
Anti-Obesity Day is held to raise awareness among people about the consequences of a high body mass index (BMI) Women are susceptible to the accumulation of fatty deposits in the subcutaneous tissue 2 times more often than men In most cases, the situation can be corrected by physical activity and dietary nutrition In some cases, medication and surgical intervention (gastric resection) are required According to WHO forecasts, by 2025, problems associated with high BMI will be observed in 40% of men and 50% of women
Obesity is the scourge of modern society It becomes a trigger for the development of diabetes, salt deposition, musculoskeletal disorders, arthritis, rheumatism and other diseases The cardiovascular system is the first to suffer from excess weight - a person develops atherosclerosis and hypertension
Excess fat in the abdominal area lifts the diaphragm, preventing it from moving This negatively affects the functioning of the respiratory system Lack of blood supply due to impaired gas exchange and ventilation leads to sleep apnea, frequent colds, bronchitis and pneumonia Poor nutrition (large amounts of easily digestible carbohydrates) leads to gastrointestinal disorders, liver damage and cholelithiasis High BMI is the cause of psychological problems and mental disorders
More than 28 million people die every year worldwide from the consequences of being overweight Obesity is the result of physical inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle) and poor nutrition Overeating is often the result of chronic stress and lack of sleep A person tries to compensate for negative emotions and discomfort about this with sweet and high-calorie foods Excess weight can be a consequence of metabolic disorders and its speed (thyroid disease, pregnancy, menopause), high cortisol levels and other problems
Residents of Malta, Turkey and the UAE suffer from obesity In them, the percentage of overweight adults ranges from 664-678% In Malta, 40% of children are diagnosed with obesity Indigenous residents of eastern countries with developed economies, such as the Emirates, practically do not work, and get up from the table with full stomachs US citizens constantly eat junk food on the go, washed down with carbonated drinks The number of obese people with a high BMI in America is 679%
Saudi Arabia and Qatar are the richest countries in the Middle East region with a high level of GDP Almost half of the population of these countries, having access to healthy food and exercise, chooses fast food and lack of exercise 717% of obese people live in Qatar, and 697% of Saudis with a high IMI live in the neighboring state
In the dwarf island nation of Nauru, located near the equator in the Pacific Ocean, 717% of the population is overweight Cook Islands closes the ranking, where obesity is diagnosed in more than 847% of residents
Every third man and every second woman in the Russian Federation suffer from excess body weight This leads to an increase in the number of diseases of diabetes mellitus and osteoarthritis, an increase in the number of strokes and heart attacks That's why Russia joins other countries and celebrates Anti-Obesity Day on November 26th