On October 15, one rather interesting holiday is celebrated annually all over the world - Improviser Day This holiday is dedicated to poetry and aims to spread this art form
Improvisers were poets who, to the accompaniment of a musical instrument, read their poems on any given topic And without any preparation or written notes
Any folk poet can be considered an improviser Be it a bard or an akyn, a skald or a sesen Almost all singer-storytellers, to one degree or another, can be called improvisers However, Italian improvisers enjoyed the greatest popularity among the public Especially in the era of romanticism
Currently, improvisational poets have not lost any of their former glory To this day, improvisers are welcome guests at any receptions and celebrations An improvisational poet is a person who is able to evoke certain emotions in the public
In addition, such a person is a rather non-standard person A flexible mind and a large vocabulary allow the improvising poet to conduct his performances on almost any topic
It is not known for certain when exactly improvising poets appeared in Italy However, it is known that at one time they were very popular
For example, the Pope (Lev 10) treated them warmly Improvisational poets were welcome guests at the Vatican court Improvisers were also warmly welcomed at the courts of various dukes
The most prominent Italian improvisational poet was Bernardo Accolti He served as secretary at the papal court and was appointed apostolic scribe Bernardo also composed lyric poems (canzones) and sonnets Subsequently, he was even nicknamed Unico
Accolti's work was so loved by his compatriots that during his performance all the shops were closed and everyone came to listen to him
The golden age of improvisation, according to the Italian philosopher and intellectual Benedetto Croce, was considered to be the period from 1690 to 1840 In the 18th century, improvisation gained momentum and attracted great attention from foreigners In those days, improvisational poets offered their services to visiting foreigners and made good money from it
During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, improvisation was at its peak in popularity In the era of romanticism, the spiritual and creative component of human life was valued During that era, successful improvisers were so popular that theaters were packed with fans Successful improviser Tommaso Sgricci even had to perform surrounded by bodyguards
In Russia, the phenomenon of improvisation was not as widely known as in Europe The Russian population could follow the art of improvisation only through notes in the magazine press
However, with the arrival of the German Max Langenschwartz, some interest in improvisation arose in secular society The German’s performances aroused considerable interest among the public, thereby giving rise to a fleeting passion for this art
In this regard, Russian writers also began to speak out about improvisation
Improviser's Day is a celebration of creativity! This is a holiday that attracts capable and talented people to participate It allows you to unleash your creative potential An improviser's holiday is always able to please participants and spectators