The computer age began on September 2, 1969, when an attempt was made to cover a distance of 640 kilometers between the University of California and Stanford University using a single wire
At the origins, as in most cases, are the military It was they who developed the mother of the World Wide Web - the NORAD network of radar nodes, which detected objects potentially dangerous to the United States, such as missiles and bombers The development had many weaknesses and, in the end, the military, from the master's shoulder, gave way to civilian scientists
After an unsuccessful attempt in September, Los Angeles and Stanford are back in touch On October 29, 1969, at 21:00, the first 3 characters passed from one university to another, and already on October 30, a stable connection was established The first email program appeared in 1971 Users began exchanging emails and reading newsletters
Almost 20 years after the events described, the Internet Relay Chat company developed a protocol that made it possible to communicate online in real time In 1989, British scientist Tim Berners-Lee announced the concept of the World Wide Web at a conference A year later, the first connection took place using a telephone line, and in 1991 the Internet became available to everyone On May 17 of the same year, a single standard was presented - WWW (World Wide Web)
Tim Berners-Lee developed the HTML language and the HTTP protocol It was he who created the world’s first website, where he outlined in detail the principle of how the Internet works and explained why servers and browsers are needed
In 1998, the Pope himself, John Paul II, declared that the Internet deserved attention and established World Internet Day Unofficially, there is also a patron saint - Isidore of Seville, a Spanish bishop, one of the first encyclopedists who made a significant contribution to medieval history
In Russia, Internet Day is celebrated on September 30 The holiday appeared thanks to the company IT Infoart Stars, which sent out a mailing to various organizations with just two offers: 1 Approve September 30 as Internet Day2 Conduct a census of Russian-speaking web users
The holiday does not have a wide scope; it is celebrated in narrow IT circles In recent years, it has become more famous as the demand for professions in the IT field has grown Young people are actively participating in the popularization of Internet Day in the country
Related holidays are “Runet Day” (April 7) and “International Internet Day” (April 4) On the last Sunday of January, World Internet Day is celebrated