Many people agree with the statement that giving gifts is more pleasant than receiving them To disinterestedly show attention and generosity, you don’t need a special occasion - a birthday, wedding or housewarming One day a year, each of us can become a wizard and make the dreams of loved ones come true November 8 is a holiday that brings joy and positive emotions - the Day of Wish Fulfillment
The solemn date encourages you to think about your most cherished dreams and make them come true On this day, it’s good to stop the passage of time to take a breath in the whirlwind of events and remember what you want If there is a wish that will make you happy, it should certainly be fulfilled on November 8th A small step will become part of the path towards the goal - the fulfillment of a big dream
The holiday encourages us, despite our age and skeptical attitude towards life, to believe in magic and miracles It is never too late to learn this quality from children They believe in fairy tales and miracles, knowing that all difficulties are surmountable and dreams are achievable If you know about some cherished desire of a person and ways to fulfill it, November 8 is the best day to try on the role of a wizard
On Wish Fulfillment Day, it is customary to give gifts to loved ones and close people The holiday is also associated with charity On November 8, people do good deeds to strangers without thoughts of benefit or receiving a reward for a good deed It is believed that everything spent will be returned a hundredfold It’s not for nothing that Little Raccoon sang: “Share your smile, and it will come back to you more than once” Experts in Eastern teachings know that by helping someone, a person improves his karma In addition, material spending on other people helps open the money channel
From the Vedic point of view, a person needs to engage in charity not when he is rich, but in order to get rich Thus, esotericists and astrologers claim that Saturday, under the auspices of Saturn, is the best time to thank service workers with tips By leaving them, you can count on receiving mercy from the harsh planet exactly in a year in the form of the age of money in three times the amount The same principle applies to the fulfillment of other people's wishes on November 8th
Any sign of attention or gift will bring joy, give warmth and peace not only to the recipient, but also to the one who gave it Sometimes any little thing or trifle can make a person happy - from a hand-made postcard to an indoor flower in a pot and a plush toy Wish Fulfillment Day encourages everyone to believe in a miracle and try to become a wizard at least once a year - November 8th