Sloppy, hard-to-read letters and numbers are a common sign of poor handwriting Sometimes scribbles are a consequence of cerebral palsy, epilepsy and other neurological pathologies Convulsive attacks in patients lead to disruption of many functions, including motor functions In children with epilepsy, this is externally expressed in restlessness, lack of consistency in actions, illegible handwriting, inability to concentrate and, as a result, poor performance at school On September 22, the British organization Epilepsy Action celebrates Doodle Day every year
Doodle Day was first held in 2004 The holiday was conceived as an event to attract public attention to neurologist patients suffering from epileptic seizures All concerned people are invited to draw something, including doodles, and send their picture with a small donation to the organizers of Doodle Day on September 22 The funds raised go to support people with epilepsy - they receive consultations from doctors and psychological assistance
Convulsive attacks can occur in a person at any time Children with epilepsy from infancy develop dementia by the time they reach adolescence They need constant supportive psychotherapy and care from loved ones The motto of Doodle Day is “Drawing the line through epilepsy” The pens, pencils and paints that the participants of the action pick up help to erase the negative consequences of the disease - to make the lives of people suffering from it more joyful and comfortable
In adulthood, epilepsy occurs due to the negative impact of a number of factors against the background of other pathologies The trigger for its appearance in adults are:• multiple sclerosis;• traumatic brain injury;• benign and malignant tumors;• infectious diseases of the brain;• chronic alcoholism and drug addiction;• stroke and other vascular pathologies
Vomiting, seizure disorders and other symptoms are observed both during wakefulness and during sleep Nocturnal epilepsy as a consequence of changes occurring in the central nervous system and brain most often appears in preschool children and adults aged 30-35 years Experts talk about these and other features of the onset and course of the disease during events dedicated to Doodle Day
With the help of donations, since the inception of Doodle Day, more than 600,000 neurologist patients suffering from epilepsy have been helped “There were scribbles on the pages The books cried bitterly,” this quote from “Moidodyr” is well known to both adults and children Thanks to the September 22 event, people around the world are learning that illegible handwriting is not always a sign of carelessness or dysgraphia (a neurological disorder caused by difficulties with motor and sensorimotor functions) Doodles are often a consequence of motor impairment in epileptics, which Doodle Day is intended to help