On November 14, Belarus honors the holy unmercenary healer Kuzma, considered the patron saint of blacksmiths Therefore, representatives of a prestigious profession - blacksmiths - consider November 14 (November 1, old style) as their holiday Kuzma, or Cosma, is the patron of crafts; people call him God's blacksmith It was Cosmas who was the first representative of the blacksmith’s craft, who gave people the first plow This saint binds the hearts of lovers, which is why he is sometimes called the wedding blacksmith
Blacksmithing is a craft respected by the people Young people aspired to become blacksmiths, so from childhood boys organized games where they imagined themselves in the role of blacksmith heroes Not everyone is given this occupation: to become a blacksmith, you need to have remarkable strength, and you also had to study for at least 10 years The image of a strong man, capable of forging a glorious weapon or skillfully shoeing a horse, was shrouded in mysticism and mystery The forge was located on the outskirts of the village due to the possibility of fire
If in ancient times blacksmiths were engaged in the manufacture of weapons, then today’s craftsmen make custom household items, decorative items, and jewelry In modern times, blacksmith workers also consider themselves to be blacksmiths
On November 14, exhibitions of professional blacksmithing skills are organized in Belarus Experienced blacksmiths share their experience and organize master classes for those interested Activists talk about the development of blacksmithing in the republic Representatives of the profession honor labor veterans and their mentors Individual representatives of this ancient craft give part of the proceeds from the sale of forged products to those in need Festive prayer services are held in churches
In some villages of the republic, it is customary to slaughter chickens and cook chicken noodles and porridge, treating loved ones and relatives
In the folk calendar, this day is considered the first winter holiday Winter binds the earth and waters like a blacksmith, the first frosts come