People have long eaten fruits, vegetables, berries and honey, satisfying the body's need for sweet foods that were of natural origin Today, cane or beet sugar is added as a sweetener to coffee and tea, cakes and carbonated drinks This simple carbohydrate, a product of the chemical industry, is often called the white death and is equated in terms of its effect on the body to cocaine or morphine Eating foods high in sugar contributes to imbalance of phosphorus and calcium, leaching of B vitamins, leading to diseases of the heart, kidneys and other organs
A person who is accustomed to eating a lot of sweets every day, when giving them up, like a drug addict, experiences withdrawal symptoms for 2-3 weeks The “gentle killer” is the main cause of the development of hypertension, caries, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis Scientists and doctors are sounding the alarm, arguing that addiction to simple carbohydrates must be fought For this purpose, Sugar Addiction Awareness Day was established, which is celebrated on October 30
An increased need for sugar usually occurs against the background of stress, chronic fatigue and hormonal changes, with intestinal dysbiosis, disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and blood supply to the brain Modern society is little aware of this, as well as the fact that the amount of sweet foods and drinks that are present in the daily diet of many people is 3-4 times higher than the daily norm For example, a 250 ml glass of Coca-Cola contains six teaspoons of sugar, one in a tablespoon of ketchup, seven or eight in a can of canned corn or peas
People have been eating sweets for thousands of years, but in the 21st century this habit has acquired an exaggerated appearance Sugar is a combination of fructose and sucrose molecules This product, obtained chemically, does not contain vitamins and minerals, and therefore has no nutritional value, but has a very high energy value - 409 kcal per 100 g Excessive consumption of sugar provokes the growth of fat deposits, leads to metabolic disorders and obesity Its glycemic index contributes to maintaining high insulin levels and the development of diabetes
Sugar Addiction Awareness Day encourages people to change their diet and reduce the amount of sugary foods they consume Instead, you should start consuming more protein-containing foods that reduce appetite and make you feel full Endorphins, which are produced in the body by eating chocolate or drinking a sweet drink, can be obtained naturally by doing physical exercise and sports
Sugar is a source of energy, a carbohydrate, which, together with fats and proteins, ensures all vital processes in the body Therefore, you should not completely abandon it It is enough to replace this refined product with a natural one, switching to honey, dried fruits and berries They contain fiber and other nutrients in addition to carbohydrates, while addictive refined sugar does not When the body receives fast carbohydrates, first there is a rapid rise in blood glucose levels, then a sharp decline, which provokes a feeling of hunger This does not happen if a person eats sweet foods of natural origin
Sugar, acting on the taste buds of the tongue, promotes the production of dopamine in the brain - the hormone of happiness Alcohol and drugs have similar effects With constant consumption of sugar, the brain stops producing dopamine on its own, which manifests itself in loss of strength and fatigue This leads to uncontrolled eating of sweets and an increase in the number of servings Qualified specialists and a person’s desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, which is called for by Sugar Addiction Awareness Day, will help you get off the “sugar needle”