Too often, those who take the lead in protecting citizens and their property from criminal attacks by intruders die On November 8, both law enforcement officers and their relatives, as well as former employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation remember those who will no longer go on combat duty
This memorable day was established in accordance with the order of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No 1101 dated October 26, 2011 Then, for the first time in the modern history of Russia, all those who, in the course of their service, ensured that ordinary Russians and guests of the country could sleep peacefully, were mentioned without fearing for their lives, the health of their relatives and their property Each of those working in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the military personnel of the Russian Air Force have chosen this difficult, unreasonably difficult path in their lives, full of unpredictable circumstances and dangers, so that each of us feels the protection of our country from criminals of any scale
By choosing this stressful, but very necessary and important path for every person and patriot of his country, every policeman or serviceman of the internal troops ensures order on the streets and public events held on them, prevents and solves crimes, protects public and private property, as well as commercial institutions and enterprises Arriving at any time of the day to help citizens, they are ready to protect the innocent and punish attackers Moreover, each of them, along with the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, comes and provides assistance both in case of emergency situations and in the event of natural disasters
Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs most often, compared to representatives of other government agencies, law enforcement agencies and authorities, come into contact with citizens and guests of the Russian Federation The perception of Russia as a legal and civilized state depends on their professionalism, tact, ability to empathize and the ability to provide proper assistance to people in need That is why service in law enforcement agencies requires each employee to demonstrate the best human qualities: decency, honesty, readiness and desire to help any person Among internal affairs employees, the manifestation of courage, professionalism, heroism and nobility has become an everyday reality, and not an exception to the rule, as it was until recently
Honoring the memory and bowing their heads to departed military friends on this memorable day, neither employees of the territorial departments of internal affairs, nor leaders of higher ranks forget about the relatives and friends of those who fell at the forefront of defense against criminal elements On this and other days, financial payments are made, orders are given to improve housing conditions, and assistance is provided in obtaining quality recreation or enrolling in educational institutions of various levels of accreditation and focus In total, today more than twelve thousand families of deceased workers and more than five and a half thousand children raised in these families are under the patronage of the internal affairs bodies
Eternal memory to the heroes of our time who have chosen to protect their compatriots as their professional duty and responsibility, to those who come to the rescue regardless of duty schedule