On February 17 (February 4, old style), the Christian world celebrates the day of remembrance of Isidore of Pelusiot (Pelusiot) The Monk Isidore Pelusiot is a disciple of John Chrysostom, a famous exegete, that is, a person who interprets theological texts Unfortunately, there is very little information about his life: the main points of the reverend’s biography are reconstructed from his own letters Isidore wrote about ten thousand epistles, but little more than two thousand have survived to this day In his letters, Isidore interpreted the Holy Scriptures, gave sermons, and gave instructions to monks, soldiers, and even the leading members of the clergy
Isidore was born into a noble family The boy received an excellent education, was familiar with philosophy, medicine and rhetoric, with classical literature and Scripture Most likely, he was destined for a career as a lawyer or rhetorician After completing his studies, Isidore worked as a sophist - a paid teacher of eloquence It was during this period that he acquired a wide circle of students with whom he corresponded throughout the rest of his life
Isidore then retired to the mountains near Pelusium, an ancient Egyptian city located in swamps and swamps There he indulged in asceticism (self-restraint), imitating the desert life of John the Baptist Having met Saint John Chrysostom during a trip to Constantinople, Isidore became his faithful disciple, not hesitating to denounce hypocritical and greedy rulers However, circumstances were such that he had to return from seclusion to the city and become a church teacher (didaskal) After a conflict broke out with the local bishop, Isidore again fled into the desert
In the desert, the monk lived the life of an ordinary monk who did not break contact with the world: he prayed, copied books, was modest in clothing and food, interpreted Scripture, met with people and answered their spiritual questions His broad outlook, education, piety and deep faith allowed him to gain fame not only among monks The emperor himself and the patriarchs turned to him for instructions Some sources report that during his second stay in the desert, Isidore became abbot of the monastery Having lived to be a hundred years old, Isidore Pelusiot became very ill and died His entourage preserved the saint's clothes as a relic
On the day of remembrance of the Monk Isidore of Pelusiot, you can read his messages, and you can also turn to him with a request for intercession before the Lord