First Kiss Day, celebrated annually on August 27, is one of the fun, unofficial holidays It is celebrated in Russia and many countries around the world Its history is shrouded in darkness Although anyone can attribute the origin of this holiday to their ancestors, famous film or theater actors, outstanding athletes, and other celebrities This is a national holiday designed for communication between people of different age categories It applies to all people, from children, adolescents, schoolchildren, young people, middle-aged, older and elderly people After all, each of them had their first kiss at one time or another Although many people do not remember that reverent moment, they agree with the opinions of others and take part in the celebration with pleasure
The holiday is celebrated with family, with relatives, girlfriends, childhood and youth friends, work colleagues, former classmates or fellow students, and former passions It is accompanied by a delicious feast, a mischievous mood, songs, dances, games, pleasant memories, and intimate meetings A cheerful company can organize a competition for the most successful kisser, a long kiss, etc Thanks to the warm August weather, the holiday can be celebrated in the forest, near a river, lake, pond, anywhere in nature, in a country house or in a village Intimate meetings that do not require prying eyes are best arranged in a separate booth in a restaurant or in a rented apartment People who meet will always find a topic for communication and duplication of their first kiss
Most often, the first kiss is associated with adolescence, when the girl has not yet grown up, but already has special feelings for people of the opposite sex Her subject of inspiration could be a guy older in years, or a peer Teenage girls do not want to make friends with younger boys, considering them children Although the modern level of development and acceleration lead to the fact that boys after 12-14 years of age may be precocious Teenage relationships are the brightest, most pleasant, most desirable There is no falsehood, profit, or lies in them Sometimes they become radiant for life A girl often seeks the same love that she experienced in her youth A guy in the army lives with the name of his beloved throughout his military service But youthful love does not always develop into strong family relationships
In middle age, relationships are built differently than in youth Kisses have a different character and can appear as an expression of emotions: gratitude, respect, friendship, apology, praise Women perceive a friendly kiss without trepidation or hope Also during these years, the fair sex agrees to kisses along with intimate relationships, due to their natural predisposition Such relationships can become a reason for divorce, the creation of a new family, or pass unnoticed
Sometimes the first kiss occurs among people who have a wealth of life experience behind them Their life developed in such a way that the relationship with their ex-wife lost its meaning After a divorce, each person seeks his own destiny At the same time, relationships can be very reverent and tender, far from those they had at a young age Quite a long time passes from friendship to the first kiss It is more difficult for people in their early youth to establish relationships than when they were young August 27 is their holiday, which offers not only the first kiss, but also a new life together