How festively the Slavs celebrated this date is unknown Most likely, January 12 - Abduction Day is a kind of reminder to men and women about the contradictory relationships between the sexes, about the imperfections of this world
This is a memorable day, warning about the need to behave carefully, prudently, not for girls to walk alone along dark streets, deserted alleys - they risk getting into trouble, meeting someone with bad intentions
On January 12, the Slavs were busy making amulets: they made jewelry, embroidered ornaments on women’s clothing that prevented violence against women, protected them from evil spirits and bad male thoughts
There was a precedent in history! Or is this how the Gods taught worldly wisdom to their people? One way or another, the legend says that two Gods, Perun and Veles, fell in love with Diva Dadola Dadola gave her heart and love to Perun, rejected Veles But how can a man, not just a man - God, come to terms with such an insult?
He did not calm down, did not reconcile himself He chose the right moment and befuddled the beauty, pretending to be a lily of the valley Diva leaned over to the delicate flower, sighed the poisonous aroma and immediately lost consciousness Veles took advantage of women’s helplessness, and did what he had planned, appeasing his pride
Dishonestly, unkindly, not out of mutual love, but, as a result of Veles’s passion, another God appeared among the Slavs - Yarilo, the son of Veles and Dodola Perun raged, drove Veles through forests and mountains, throwing thunder and lightning And the wife got it - her husband turned her into a ladybug
This date reminds us of marital relationships and fidelity January 12, the Day of Kidnappings, warns against arranged marriages, infidelity, and drunkenness
Learn, Slavs, from the example of the Gods, do not take wives who are not of your class, do not choose a companion based on appearance - look into her soul Don’t go on a visit with your wife - brag about her beauty, amuse a man’s pride, live life with your wife - share joy and sorrow in half
The Gods had an instructive story The Goddess Marena enchanted the intoxicated Dazhdbog, the illegitimate son of Perun, who, in a not entirely sober state, fell madly in love with the seductress I decided to get married And Marena, flighty, has already refused to give love and marriage to Koshchei the Black God But she decided that Dazhdbog, although not entirely legitimate, was still the son of a more powerful god, and she needed to marry him
Marena did not take into account the fact that she and Dazhdbog were representatives of different forces, so their married life did not work out She went to Koshchei, gave birth to his demon daughters, lived with him for a long time, happily, and the unfortunate Dazhdbog suffered in search of his cheating wife
The almighty Perun protected the Slavic peoples from all kinds of troubles, dark forces, and misfortunes Apparently, in memory of his exploits and good deeds, the Slavs designated January 12 as the Day of Abductions - it was on this day, having expelled all evil spirits from the Earth, the Thunderer stuck a sparkling sword into the ground
How much speculation in these stories, how much reality - does it really matter? It is important that passing from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, Slavic myths filled with deep meaning and wisdom have survived to this day
On this day, let's think about life, morality, safety, love, fidelity, betrayal and children Let's teach our offspring the basics of safe life in everything: in play, walking, studying, work, relationships, friendship and in choosing a life partner
Health to all of us and the complete absence of dark demonic forces!