Every year on October 17, an unusual folk holiday is celebrated: Day of Candlelight Gatherings It is suitable for any person who takes care of the location of the holiday in advance and buys suitable candles They can have different shapes, colors, aroma and are made from natural wax, paraffin, stearin, and helium The main thing is that you need to create a comfortable atmosphere for yourself and your companions and do not forget the fire safety rules
History is silent about who came up with Candlelight Day Based on the mystery and romance of such an event, it should be assumed that the holiday with candles was introduced by people who revere the burning fire as a shrine Fire has long been considered a miraculous weapon that disperses evil spirits, darkness, unbelief, and evil A clear confirmation of this is the burning lamp near the images of the Saints It cleanses the home from filth, sins, temptation, and gives grace Therefore, a candle that repeats the functions of the fir tree can perform a cleansing effect Moreover, its power extends both to all people present and to the room There is an opinion that in the place where the flame begins to crackle or smoke, evil forces are present But the flame defeats him Even the fact that the candle goes out is not scary It should be re-lit using a match or lighter
It is advisable to spend part of this holiday, or at least one hour, with a lit candle, which will become a harmonious addition to a romantic date, an evening of memories, meetings with relatives, friends, gatherings with your husband or with your family You can even sit quietly alone with a lit candle, think about something pleasant, and plan things for the future Mysterious and alluring candle light creates a special mood and puts you in a lyrical mood Thanks to the candle glow, something intimate hovers in the surrounding space, exciting hidden feelings At the same time, you are allowed to eat, dream, remember, and even practice magic
On a candle holiday or on any other day, you can perform a magical ritual to fulfill a wish, cleanse yourself of illness and negative energy, relieve depression and blues with the help of a burning candle To do this, write your wish on a small piece of paper It needs to be rolled into a tube and brought to the fire During combustion, you should mentally imagine what you want with the ways to achieve it This should continue until the paper leaf turns to ash Then you need to wait until the candle burns out completely After this, the ashes are collected and scattered in the wind If the ritual was carried out in the house, it is advisable to go outside or perform a ritual scattering from the window A sacrament performed in an apartment does not have to be performed on the ground Ashes can be scattered from the balcony Regardless of the scenario, an evening with candle fire will be unusual and magical This is achieved due to the unique atmosphere of peace, comfort and relaxation, and the special magical power created by candlelight
A burning candle is considered a winning option when two people who care about each other meet It instills understanding, love, mystery That’s why many restaurants offer dinner for two by candlelight Live fire symbolizes romance, homeliness and comfort Therefore, married couples need to organize such evenings not only on holidays, but much more often Experts say that along with candle burning, anger, resentment, and misunderstanding leave the house To improve family relationships, you need to light candles in the house as often as possible