KD made a huge contribution to the development of national pedagogy Ushinsky, LS Vygotsky, AS Makarenko and VA Sukhomlinsky Their works formed the basis of the Soviet and Russian system of education and spiritual and moral education of students in schools, colleges and universities Without knowledge of the basics of psychology and pedagogy, it is impossible to instill in young people a thirst for knowledge, to raise a worthy succession of scientists and inventors who will work for the good of the Motherland A holiday has been established in honor of the professionals on whom the development of national science depends November 19 is celebrated as Higher School Teacher's Day in Russia
The holiday appeared on the calendar in 2021 on the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation The birthday of Academician Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was chosen as the date for events dedicated to increasing the prestige of a higher school teacher Thanks to the activities of the natural scientist, historian, poet, geographer and artist, Moscow University was founded, which later began to bear his name The holiday is intended to pay tribute to the contribution of MV Lomonosov in the development and teaching of fundamental sciences in higher education and to attract the attention of young people to the teaching profession
It is no coincidence that the celebration was established in 2021, declared by the President of the country as the Year of Science and Technology Russia has been famous for its talented scientists throughout the centuries These include DI Mendeleev, NI Pirogov, KE Tsiolkovsky, NI Vavilov, Nobel laureates LD Landau, PL Kapitsa and ZhI Alferov These and other outstanding Russian scientists not only made amazing discoveries and changed the course of scientific thought, but also raised a galaxy of followers The emergence of worthy and ambitious students was made possible thanks to the teaching talent of academicians and professors The Year of Teachers and Mentors, which was declared 2023, was established to attract new personnel from among young people into the research environment
Higher School Teacher's Day is dedicated to the same goal University teachers share their knowledge, results of scientific developments and research experience with students The education and upbringing in young people of perseverance, inquisitiveness of mind and other useful qualities depends on their skill Teachers are at the very forefront of dynamically developing modern science, so great expectations are placed on them High school teachers are able to interest and develop curiosity among students, inspire undergraduates and graduate students and direct them to achieve ambitious goals
The professional holiday is celebrated every year by more than 250 thousand professors and teachers with other academic titles working in universities On November 19, conferences and seminars, concerts and other special events are held, which are dedicated to the professional activities of people at the forefront of higher education in Russia