“I’ll tell you a secret, don’t tell anyone,” these are the first lines of a popular author’s song in the 80s Big and small secrets love silence Adults and children exchange important and not so important secrets with each other throughout their lives The favorite pastime of Soviet girls was creating “secrets” from scraps of fabric, foil, small mirrors, candy wrappers, flowers, beads and other valuable things This composition was placed in a hole in the ground, covered with a piece of glass, and people came to admire it without anyone noticing In honor of the tradition of creating secrets of varying degrees of importance and meaning, a holiday was established November 18th is the Day of Inventing Secrets
Possession of information that is inaccessible to other people brings friends and acquaintances of all ages closer together, making them like-minded people According to this principle, Masons are accepted into the lodge, the degree of dedication of which emphasizes the depth of knowledge acquired The secrets of the Torah and Kabbalah are accessible only to selected Jews The Rosicrucians and the Illuminati possess classified information The secret creates new social connections, a community of people based on interests Politicians and diplomats, chefs and cooks, actors and musicians have professional secrets of varying degrees of importance That is why the expression “secret of mastery” appeared
Secret knowledge gives a person status and creates a feeling of being chosen Some secrets are invented in order to fill life with meaning, to endow everyday things with a flair of mystery Mystery and intrigue often thrive in workplaces where members struggle to advance in their careers Family people do not share with others the fact of having an affair on the side, women are reluctant to give contacts of a miracle cosmetologist and hairdresser, men are often not ready to admit to their friends that they have cheated on their beloved
But most of all secrets, real and fictional, funny and funny, happen in childhood As they grow older, there are fewer of them In the eyes of a child, the secrets of parents and other representatives of the older generation may be considered important, but in reality they are boring and uninteresting An unusual holiday, celebrated on November 18, encourages adults to plunge into childhood and remember the plot of the cartoon, where the song of Tatyana and Sergei Nikitin sounds:
They keep information about the place where the treasure is buried secret from everyone, and do not voice ambitious plans for the future People usually don’t talk about problematic relatives, because every family has its own skeleton hidden in the closet
In honor of this funny holiday, it is customary to fantasize and burst with ideas, creating big and small secrets Often, what you want to hide, you don’t keep your mouth shut, and a lot of things are still blurted out Some people renew their marriage vows, while others create secrets once a year The Day of Inventing Secrets encourages you to engage in these seemingly absurd things