Our life is impossible without cables - wires of various types provide communication and lighting More than 300 enterprises are engaged in the production of cables in Russia, employing thousands of people in total Approximately the same number of factories and people are engaged in the supply of components for production That is why it was decided to hold a professional holiday for employees of the cable industry
Cable Industry Worker's Day is dedicated to October 25, 1879 On this day, Mr Siemens, the owner of the eponymous and world-famous electrical products manufacturing plant, received a license to manufacture products in St Petersburg The document allowed the production of insulated metal wire and telegraph cable
In Russia, the cable industry began rapid development at the beginning of the 20th century The first factories were launched in Kolchugino and Moscow By 1916, four factories were engaged in the production of cable products; during the war, they managed to retrain and reorient their activities to meet the needs of the front
In Russia, the holiday has not received official status, but this does not prevent everyone involved from celebrating this day in a professional and family circle
Since the holiday has not received official status, there are no rules for organizing events Each enterprise and workforce independently decides how and where to celebrate their professional anniversary
There are also common celebration traditions:
• management and work teams exchange congratulations on this day; • ceremonial meetings are organized at production enterprises; • management congratulates the staff, the most responsible employees and production leaders are awarded certificates, cash bonuses, and given valuable gifts
After the official part and the working day, the unofficial part of the celebration follows
The first Russian cable was created back in 1812 by P L Schilling, a Russian inventor and diplomat He managed to detonate a mine from a distance through wires lowered into the water After a while, in 1836, he also created the first telegraph line Schilling came up with the idea of insulating the wires - silk, ozokerite, raw rubber, and varnish were used for this purpose
The year 1840 can be considered special for the Russian cable industry, when a secret training team began working in the Peter and Paul Fortress It was engaged in the production of galvanic conductors, and galvanism was taught here