August 25 is the birthday of the tin can The celebration coincides with the invention of a tin container with a sealed lid in 1810 by Peter Durant Compared to glass canning jars, steel ones had a number of advantages - they weighed less and did not break during transportation The novelty was quickly appreciated: within a couple of years, British soldiers were given rations in tin containers In honor of this invention, the birthday of the tin can is celebrated annually at the end of August
The first factory for the production of tin containers was built in 1813 by two Englishmen - John Hall and Brian Donkin It was to them that P Durant transferred the rights to his patent In Russia, the production of canned food in tinned steel cans began in 1870 Inventor Nikolai Nikolaevich Benardos improved their production through the use of electric arc welding The use of thin-sheet tin for the manufacture of cans made it possible to begin producing containers with a “double seam” in the late 1880s The lid was connected to the container without welding - by pressing using special equipment
Until the mid-1950s, cans could only be opened with a chisel or knife This labor-intensive process was simplified by the invention of can openers The lids of modern containers are often equipped with an opening ring
The content of the novel by the famous Soviet science fiction writer A Belyaev, written in 1929, turned out to be prophetic Today you can buy not only stewed meat, canned fish or vegetables in a tin can, but also air The unusual souvenir went on sale in 2003 for the 300th anniversary of the founding of St Petersburg The composition of the gas is heterogeneous: the tin container contains 50% of the air from the Summer Garden, 15% from Nevsky Prospekt, the rest of the volume is occupied by the aromas of Petrodvorets, New Holland, Tsarskoe Selo and Pavlovsk
Enterprising residents of San Francisco began selling their city's fog in cans in 2009 Special conditions and discounts are offered to customers who order delivery of 50 or more cans in one shipment A can of air from various places in Paris, from the Champs Elysees to the Louvre and the Musee d'Orsay, costs 10 euros Icelanders retail clean air from the foot of Mount Hekla, which is the country's largest active volcano
In the era of hippies and pop art, consumer products became the objects of paintings, in defiance of abstract impressionism The central figures of the exhibitions of the 60s of the last century were Coca-Cola bottles, Heinz ketchup boxes and Brillo powder containers Popular artist and designer Andy Warhol, when creating posters for the Campbell Soup Company, used an image of a tin can in which the company produced tomato soup In total, the founder of the ideology of “commercial pop art” painted 48 works using painting and silk-screen printing techniques, the center of the composition of which was Campbell’s soup in a tin container
The production of steel containers for long-term food storage is one of the most important inventions of mankind, which has not lost its relevance 200 years later In honor of this event, the birthday of the tin can is celebrated on August 25th