Solving crossword puzzles, puzzles and Sudoku has a positive effect on memory and the development of mental abilities The process of solving puzzles involves parts of the brain that are rarely used in everyday activities Among other things, scanwords and puzzles help you kill time and spend your leisure time productively The passion for looking at mysteries is inherent in people of any age On December 21, puzzle lovers celebrate the birthday of the crossword puzzle
Columns with squares to be filled in with words were first published in 1875 The crossword puzzle was published in the New York newspaper St Nicholas The first puzzle in a modern version from Arthur Wynne was published on December 21, 1913 by the New York World Over time, the fashion for intellectual entertainment spread beyond the United States and spread throughout the world The peak of popularity of crosswords occurred in the 20s of the twentieth century Long before them, “Latin squares”, better known as Sudoku, appeared They were invented by the mathematician Leonhard Euler, who lived in the 18th century Sudoku was modernized by the American architect Howard Garnes, who in 1979 first published a number puzzle in a magazine for fans of intellectual games
According to legend, the classic crossword puzzle was invented by a certain prisoner who did not know what to do with himself during his imprisonment He had fun making word grids The first crossword puzzle appeared in Russian thanks to V Nabokov In 1924, the writer compiled a puzzle, which he called the crossword, and published it in the “Our World” supplement of the Berlin magazine “Rul” In the USSR, the first crossword puzzle was published in 1925 in Novaya Vechernyaya Gazeta Since 1929, Ogonyok began publishing puzzles on a regular basis
The Crossword Puzzle Day holiday is dedicated to a seemingly funny, but in fact very difficult game Solving puzzles not only helps delay dementia, but also increases erudition in any area of human life Crossword puzzle solving tournaments are one of the most difficult intellectual competitions Residents of Great Britain prefer this type of puzzles to other types of mental games
It is believed that crossword puzzles can help you lose weight Solving words for an hour helps burn up to 90 calories due to the brain working in an enhanced mode The puzzle has proven itself well in learning foreign languages Thanks to the crossword puzzle, another intellectual word game appeared - Scrabble, known in Russia as "Erudite"
There are 24 types of puzzles, which differ in form, principle of composition and nationality In addition to the classic crossword, there are Hungarian (filword), Scandinavian, American (criss-cross), Estonian, Japanese (nonogram), etc But the popularity of the intellectual hobby knows no national boundaries Therefore, fans of one type of crossword puzzle or all of them celebrate December 21st as Crossword Puzzle Day