A properly built relationship with the boss is the key to the success of any employee Often, ordinary employees complain about their bosses, considering them to be extremely harsh and unfair towards them Subordinates forget that their bosses are people who bear the burden of responsibility, both for personnel and other resources, and for the progress and results of the work process An international holiday is dedicated to managers at various levels - Chef's Day
Every year this holiday is celebrated on October 16th He copes with work teams not only in Russia, but also in many other countries
It all started in 1958, when Patricia Haroski, who worked as a secretary in her father’s company, congratulated him on his birthday (October 16) not as a parent, but as a beloved boss The interesting idea was picked up by other company employees, who also congratulated their boss
After this, Patricia submitted a proposal to the US Chamber of Commerce to approve a holiday on which subordinates could express gratitude to their leadership Four years later, he was officially approved by the Governor of Illinois
Thus, the founder of International Boss Day was an ordinary secretary of an insurance company, Patricia Haroski According to Patricia’s idea, on this day, subordinates should demonstrate to their boss their respectful attitude
Soon the tradition of celebrating Chief's Day spread far beyond the American continent and appeared in other countries: Australia, Ireland, India, etc
What should a good boss be like?
A good leader must, first of all, be a professional in the field in which he works He must have an excellent knowledge of all production processes
A mandatory quality of a boss is adequacy in relation to others The boss must be able to correctly perceive criticism of his decisions
An astute manager will be able to see possible problems in time and determine ways to solve them
A good boss is an example for his subordinates That is why discipline and responsibility are important qualities of a chef
This holiday is an excellent occasion to show respect to your superiors, as well as to establish contact with them After all, good relationships between management and subordinates contribute to the successful coordinated work of the entire organization
On this day, subordinates collectively congratulate their superiors, present them with flowers, souvenirs and memorable gifts Employees express warm words to managers and thank them for their support and understanding In some companies, employees organize buffets
In the evening, relatives and friends also join in congratulating the heroes of the occasion