When sons are born in a family, it is a holiday for the entire family Mothers teach them kindness, surround them with love, and dream that they will grow up to be protectors and helpers And fathers teach how to drive a car, play football, and rejoice that they can pass on male knowledge to their heir The boys grow, develop, and surprise their parents with their successes and pranks
That is why a world holiday called Sons' Day was established on November 22 The origin of this day is unknown, but the world has slowly begun to celebrate it This is a celebration of the family circle, since every man is a son to his parents Congratulations should be given to all representatives of the stronger sex
Creating a tradition of celebrating sons' day, you can buy a delicious cake and sit and drink tea together And congratulate the growing defenders by giving them an interesting toy But a worthy gift, of course, will be the love and attention of relatives In addition, the holiday of sons provides an excellent opportunity to tell the future man how dear he is to the family, how proud he is in society, how with his birth he changed the fate of his parents, making them more responsible
Hoping to raise a worthy man from your son, you should raise him from childhood A good example would be a father It is important that dad sometimes devotes himself to his studies Even when doing things that are not for children, be it repairing a car or choosing a new gadget, the father can give the heir useful knowledge And then the boy will proudly tell his friends how he and his dad repaired the car! If for some reason there is no father, the role of mentor can be replaced by the eldest man of the family
Loving parents want to pass on the best that is in them to their son When raising a little helper, you need to remember that the child is taught not only by moral teaching, but also by personal example