Law enforcement is one of the most in demand, but also the most thankless profession The police, like the army, merely reflect the deep processes of society Most people who protect our peace and health do it out of duty, without sparing themselves
Services involved in maintaining order have existed as long as the state itself The Russian police began its journey with the reign of Peter I In 1715, he created a security service that monitored public order It was at this time that the name “police” appeared
The Ministry of Internal Affairs was created much later, under Alexander I Its tasks included: establishing and maintaining calm, fighting deserters and fugitives, fire safety, monitoring the condition of roads, trade, and supervising shelters
The formation of the service continued until the middle of the 19th century First, the Ministry of Police was created Then laws were gradually adopted that established detective departments and service departments After the revolution, a workers' and peasants' militia was created to maintain order It performed almost the same functions as the police Literate citizens aged 21 and older who supported Soviet power were accepted into its ranks They gave a subscription, which they were obliged to serve for at least six months From this moment on, the history of the Soviet and then the Russian police begins - October 28 (November 10), 1917
The history of the police is closely connected with the history of the country There are many glorious and heroic pages in it Employees fought on the fronts of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars and fought against saboteurs and spies The majority of personnel always celebrate their holiday at the combat post, protecting our peace
Like the whole country, the police have experienced a lot during its existence - the cult of personality, the thaw, stagnation, perestroika, the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Russian Federation These are dramatic and epochal times The chaos of the 90s affected employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs almost more than other structures of the state Low wages, lack of modern technical means, lack of understanding of society could not break people who selflessly serve the country and society The police have repeatedly proven their dedication and high professionalism Privates, sergeants and officers continuously solve everyday problems to protect the country and society from criminal activities
Until recently, the holiday was called "Police Day" According to the Law “On Police”, the service changed its name in 2011 And before the next professional date, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the name was changed to the Day of Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation
On November 10, they not only reward distinguished employees, but also congratulate service veterans The holiday is always a little sad - we remember the comrades who died in the line of duty Unfortunately, the best of us leave first, but this is another reason to serve better not for money, not for gratitude, but at the behest of duty and honor