On January 10, a rather unusual holiday is celebrated in different parts of the world - the Day of Peculiar People Who are they and how to join their ranks? Contrary to popular misconceptions, human progress has always been achieved by people who thought outside the box - not the way the masses do To come up with something new and destroy what others have long been accustomed to believing in, you need to have courage and a unique talent - the ability to look at things from a different angle
Almost all inventors and discoverers can be classified as unique people They often had to make great sacrifices in order to change the world Italian physicist, philosopher and astronomer Galileo Galileo was forced to renounce his theory that the earth rotates on its axis Another Italian named Giordano Bruno actually paid with his life for believing in the heliocentric system Then they were considered heretics and madmen, but today they are considered geniuses Who came up with a holiday dedicated to peculiar people? Why does madness so often go hand in hand with genius?
Peculiar people create their own theories, destroy conventions and turn the world upside down To become one of them, it is not enough to simply stubbornly insist that 2x2 = 5 or the Earth is actually flat Any theory that in the future will change humanity’s view of its own world must have a serious scientific basis Contemporaries often called geniuses crazy, and in some ways they were right The great philosopher Democritus wrote that it is madness that gives birth to unique poets, and Aristotle believed that it also gives a person unlimited possibilities Stendhal ironically noted that the biography of great people should be written by their doctors
Peculiar people are abnormal And there is no insult in this They violate generally accepted norms, and their beliefs undermine those immutable truths that the rest of the world has believed in for centuries, and sometimes even millennia Such an amazing person was the English physicist, mathematician, astronomer and mechanic Isaac Newton, who became the founder of classical physics Such people include Albert Einstein, who developed the basis for theoretical physics Stephen Hawking can also be called a peculiar person, who, if he did not make a revolution, at least shook up the sleepy world of science
According to the most common version, the idea of celebrating the Day of Peculiar People belongs to John Banyard, who founded it back in 1838 in Essex, England He was born in 1800 into the family of a simple worker who was engaged in agricultural activities John believed that the globe was rotated by peculiar people who were able to see what many did not notice
The founder of the holiday was firmly convinced that all significant changes are made precisely by such geniuses who refused to blindly believe, were in constant search for answers, found them and were not afraid to go against the whole society in order to prove their own rightness The history of mankind was made with their hands They destroyed the old and built a new one on its ruins Peculiar people do not tolerate rules and regulations They always choose something that goes beyond the concept of “normal” Today this holiday has a slightly different meaning
Nowadays, the ability to think outside the box has become a cherished dream for many People are frantically buying literature, which, according to the assurances in the annotations, should teach them to “think differently” and become “not like everyone else” In fact, only a few have this ability, and this has always been the case The only difference is that in our time creativity is encouraged and elevated to an unhealthy cult Every second person is haunted by the laurels of unique geniuses capable of great things Those who can truly change this world are lost in the gray mass of mediocrity To be different from the rest today, it is enough to simply remain true to yourself and not change under the pressure of fashion, not to follow the lead of the herd instinct
Come up with something original It would be wrong to give advice on celebrating such an “abnormal” day, because it goes against its key idea Some people recommend dying your hair green or going for a walk in an extravagant outfit, but your hair color or outrageous clothes won't make the world go round faster This day could be devoted to studying the stories of those very unique people who changed their reality and had a serious impact on you and me You can find like-minded people and get together, and you will find topics for lively conversations