One of the most romantic types of transport, which became a symbol of a bygone era, appeared in Berlin in 1881 and very quickly became popular in other cities and countries The predecessor of the tram is considered to be a horse-drawn horse drawn horse to move it along the rails At the beginning of the twentieth century electric trailers slowly rolling through the streets have driven horses out of city streets This type of public transport has become a place where various funny things happened to passengers, both funny and dramatic events unfolded
The first models without doors allowed you to jump on the running board and drive, hanging your body from the platform onto the street, to the desired stop Children and adults risked their lives on a tram sausage - a twisted hose of the air brake air line This trip allowed you to travel like a hare without buying a ticket Today, traveling on a tram brings nostalgia for the past to passengers, gives unforgettable sensations, immersing them in the atmosphere of the works of MA Bulgakov and MM Zoshchenko Tram Travel Day, which is celebrated on November 20, encourages you to make your next trip in a trailer with rattling wheels
An unforgettable flavor for moving through the city streets was given not only by the trill of the bell, with the help of which the driver signaled cars and pedestrians, but also by communication with the conductor Due to the nature of his service, he was forced to deal with free riders, dropping them off at bus stops, and separating rowdy passengers, acting as a kind of arbiter
Dramas played out inside the tram: people quarreled and made up, fell in love and got to know each other The daily trip to work and back along the same route made the passengers practically relatives who treated the conductor as a close person The ticket taker became an advisor and friend for people with heartache, suffering from loneliness, at a crossroads, or facing everyday difficulties
Today, despite the pace of development of science and technology, the tram remains one of the most reliable and popular types of transport, which does not harm the environment and does not require high maintenance costs The red trailer with yellow lathing is a historical symbol of Lisbon The St Petersburg tram is part of the cultural code of the Northern capital An equally extensive network and long routes are available in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Magnitogorsk Modern trains reach speeds from 24 to 75 km/h, carrying thousands of passengers every day On November 20th, Tram Travel Day calls for you to get into a carriage and travel along one of the available routes