Mentors of domestic athletes celebrate their professional holiday on October 30, Coach’s Day The celebration is not official, because not included in the state register of memorable dates However, since 1999, on the initiative of the Federation of Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics, Coach's Day has become an all-Russian holiday On October 30, students of specialized schools, clients of fitness instructors, amateur and professional athletes annually congratulate their mentors on October 30th
To the heroes of the occasion, the wards say not only words of gratitude for the successes achieved Athletes thank coaches for developing in them such qualities as endurance, self-discipline and the development of volitional abilities The merits of mentors in achieving cherished heights cannot be underestimated A good and experienced coach will always find a professional approach to the athlete, help him overcome fatigue and laziness, and support him in difficult times A mentor is a role model for an athlete; he acts as the same indisputable authority as a school teacher for a first-grader, or a university teacher for a student The images of these people remain in the memory of students for life
Russia is proud of its coaches in all sports Often mentors become those who have reached certain heights in their professional field Their names are forever inscribed in the history of the USSR and modern Russia in the Sports Hall of Fame The professionalism and skill of coaches from the Russian Federation is appreciated by athletes from many countries around the world, whom our mentors teach the basics of figure skating, synchronized swimming, gymnastics and other sports
Before getting to an eminent mentor, the child’s talent must be discerned and developed by a school physical education teacher, a teacher in the volleyball, football or rowing section The role of mid-level specialists who do not have a sports career behind them in Russia’s victories in the international arena should not be underestimated Therefore, they are congratulated on October 30 on Coach’s Day along with professionals, each of whom has medals from European, world championships and Olympics
The position of a sports mentor is very responsible The coach ensures not only a good result of the competition He is responsible both for the success of his wards and for their health A career in big-time sports ends sooner or later Gymnasts, athletes and martial artists should approach its completion in good health despite the injuries and fractures they have suffered And this is a considerable merit of their mentors
On Coach's Day, children's and youth sports schools and sections organize exhibitions, concerts and other events Venerable mentors and their students - winners of major competitions and tournaments - are invited to meetings with young people Sports championships are often timed to coincide with the celebration Victory in them is the best reward and holiday gift for every coach