Every person periodically encounters a local doctor This generalist provides medical care to the population when the first signs of the disease appear After diagnosing and determining the nature of the pathology, the doctor decides to refer the patient to a specialist October 17 in Russia is considered the Day of the Local Therapist This professional holiday is celebrated by doctors who provide primary medical care to people in public clinics and private centers
Therapists are general doctors They have knowledge from various fields of medicine Thanks to their skill, prevention, timely diagnosis of the disease and prescribing the correct treatment, which eliminates the occurrence of relapses, become possible
A consultation with a therapist is required for the patient in the presence of any pathology After this, the doctor directs the patient to undergo tests and additional procedures - MRI, cardiogram, fluorography, etc Based on the results of diagnosis and establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, the therapist, using knowledge of pharmacology and other areas, prescribes conservative treatment - injections, taking pills, IVs, physiotherapeutic procedures, etc
During the working day, dozens of patients visit the local doctor He visits seriously ill patients personally, coming to houses located in the territorial area assigned to him The doctor works two shifts, managing to maintain patients’ medical records - paperwork and filling out forms electronically takes up a lot of the doctor’s time In addition, the therapist is involved in medical examinations, medical examinations, health education work and organizing vaccinations At the same time, he manages to follow news from the world of medicine, the latest developments in the pharmacological industry and the appearance of new drugs on the market
The heavy workload and degree of responsibility of therapists for the health of patients cannot be envied A doctor, despite being busy at work, like other doctors, is obliged to regularly improve his qualifications He receives points for accreditation, which must be completed once every 5 years, by participating in conferences and symposia, publishing scientific articles and books on medical topics
Doctors celebrate District Therapist Day on October 17 at their workplace, accepting congratulations from grateful patients and colleagues At home, doctors are waiting for congratulations from family members and friends Therapist's Day is not included in the official register of professional holidays of the Russian Federation But this does not in any way detract from the importance of this specialty and the role of doctors providing primary care to patients