Not many people know what true Cossacks actually are But some 300 - 400 years ago, this most proud class instilled terror in many areas of Asian countries
The Cossacks not only defended and preserved their territories, but also carried out devastating raids on neighboring peoples and states This was mostly done in order to enrich themselves and bring prosperity and peace to their region for the entire population that did not directly participate in hostilities
The very first mentions of the Cossacks date back to the beginning of the 14th century These were “free” people who stood guard over the southernmost borders of the Russian state
The Tatar khans, Poles, and Lithuanians constantly terrorized the local population, taking both adults and small children into slavery
To stop this kind of outrage, the Cossacks recreated their own state, which was given the name Zaporozhye Sich It was a true and unsinkable stronghold of all inhabitants of the Ukrainian lands Soon the almighty Russian Empress Catherine the Second heard about the freedom-loving Cossacks She could not tolerate the fact that Cossacks lived and flourished on her lands
A “bloody campaign” followed on the Ukrainian lands, as a result of which the Zaporozhye Sich was completely destroyed and subordinated to the power of the Russian Empress
In modern Ukraine, Cossack movements have become extremely popular Specialized detachments of Cossacks are being organized everywhere, whose main duty is to protect the borders of their beloved state
These units are not controlled by the authorities, which makes them very popular among the common people Cossacks, like several centuries ago, regularly practice military arts and develop in various areas of this difficult and labor-intensive craft They are actually adopting the experience of many countries that are developed in military affairs
This is a reliable and practice-tested fact A simple man in the street loves a Cossack and trusts him with his life and freedom
A modern Cossack is a unique combination of centuries-old knowledge and experience that is actually applied in the realities of the modern (innovative) world
Their strength is growing stronger every new day The Cossacks have strong leaders who are ready to lead their charges into any battle, despite the sacrifices and any consequences
The Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks is celebrated on a permanent basis on October 14 In fact, this is a fairly “young holiday”, which was started by the President of Ukraine LD Kuchma
The official date of the very first celebration can be considered October 14, 1999 It was in that difficult year for the country that an official decree was signed, which spelled out the real services of the Cossacks to their country
It was from that very day that the Cossacks began to revive at an unprecedented pace It even became a kind of symbol of Ukraine, so to speak, the embodiment of the national idea throughout the entire Ukrainian community
On this significant day for the whole country, a huge number of Cossacks (of all ages without exception) gather in cities and villages to truly celebrate their holiday
Various competitions directly related to the art of war are held everywhere Festive concerts and folk festivals are also held everywhere
All the Cossacks are dressed in bright outfits, from which you can immediately see that this is a real Cossack standing in front of you In general, everything is fun and colorful, as befits the descendants of a “unique class of its kind”