Dwarves, brownies and elves are heroes of legends and fairy tales that date back thousands of years Gremlins stand apart from the list of mythical creatures Small hairy creatures, which are distinguished by cunning and cunning, appeared in English folklore relatively recently - in the 20s of the twentieth century They were invented by pilots of the British Royal Air Force, and popularized in his books by Roald Dahl and other authors January 8th is Gremlin Butter Day
According to legends, these eared creatures are very gifted mechanics However, they can both help a person and harm them: they can ruin any equipment - from a spaceship and airplane to a coffee grinder Following the pilots' claims, ordinary people began to blame gremlins for minor everyday troubles Dull knives, flat tires, turning on hot water in the house instead of cold - these are the tricks of these little people There is even a special term - " gremlin effect" They explain the situation of inexplicable failure of perfectly serviceable equipment
Gremlins are the closest relatives of other furries known as mogwai They came to Earth from distant planets to restore peace and order But due to the mistakes of their creator, MacTurman, the Mogwai became evil and treacherous creatures Gremlins are the last stage in their life cycle They are similar to their ancestors with protruding ears and limbs with 3 fingers, but they are taller than Mogwai - about a meter These mythical creatures love to mock people by breaking technical devices
It is believed that they used to live in forests and fields But with the invention of a large number of mechanisms, gremlins moved to cities - to factories and factories Before this, mythical creatures helped to make tools indirectly However, noticing that they were no longer thanked for their help, the invisible helpers got angry and began to harm people
The funny holiday, which is celebrated on January 8th, is designed to butter up the gremlins According to R Dahl's book and the film based on it, World War II began because of them Furry creatures are to blame for many disasters and misfortunes that have happened to humanity Therefore, the closest relatives of the Mogwai must be appeased After all, if you don’t do this, your phone or computer may break down, your washing machine or other household appliance may fail
Gremlins love chocolate, candy and various fast food dishes Therefore, in honor of the holiday, it is customary to treat them with these delicacies, leaving them in a visible place in the house or workplace You can come up with any other tradition of honoring fantasy heroes, taking into account their preferences and craving for mechanisms But you need to remember: the more seriously you take the choice of a sign of attention on Gremlins Day, the greater the likelihood that nothing will happen to your smartphone, vacuum cleaner and car