Medical workers celebrate both national holidays approved by Russian legislation and international celebrations initiated by the UN, each of them is accompanied by symposiums, congresses, conferences and other events Since 1996, on October 2, all domestic specialists who treat genitourinary pathologies celebrate Urologist Day Professionals help patients regardless of their age, gender and severity of the disease
Mentions of “stone cutters,” as specialists in this field of activity were called in ancient times, are found in sources of the 4th-5th centuries BC Avicenna described the technique of removing stones from the bladder in his treatises Thanks to his work on disorders of the genitourinary system, doctors began to draw conclusions based on the color of urine This has become a widely used method in Arabic medicine because Due to religious taboos, the doctor was forced to diagnose the patient without a personal examination
Centuries later, in 1588, the Spaniard Francisco Diaz published a work on the diagnosis, methods of treating urological diseases and the instruments used for this: catheters, probes, stone probes and spoons for removing stones, dilators and mirrors for perineal lithoextraction The heyday of science came in the 19th century, when its foundations were laid and the first operations to remove benign tumors of the kidneys, prostate and bladder began In 1830, the world's first specialized department was opened at the Hotel-Dieu de Paris in Paris, headed by Jean Sivyal, the inventor of the lithotripsy (stone crushing) technique
In Ancient Rus', the founder of the treatment of urolithiasis, as well as many other pathologies, was Eupraxia-Zoya, the granddaughter of Vladimir Monomakh In her treatise of the 12th century "Ointments" paid great attention to the symptoms and treatment of urological pathologies A great contribution to the development of domestic science was made by doctor II, who came from the clergy Venediktov (1782-1823) - “operator of stone diseases”, who stood at the origins of urology in Russia
Modern science uses hysteroscopy, robotic surgery and laparoscopy to treat diseases of the pelvic organs Patients undergo blood and urine tests, X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs and other examinations Specialists who diagnose and treat genitourinary diseases are responsible for a very important area of patient health In honor of professionals, Urologist Day was established and celebrated annually on October 2