February 2 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia - Victory Day in the Battle of Stalingrad - established by the law “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia” No 32-FZ of March 13, 1995
Stalingrad, known as the Russian city of Tsaritsyn until 1925, and now Volgograd, is located on the banks of the longest European river flowing across the Russian plain, on the right bank of the Volga
The emergence of the legendary Tsaritsyn - Stalingrad - Volgograd in 1589 is due to its geographical location During the period of the revival of Rus', it was initially assigned the role of a guard fortress protecting Russian lands from the threat of attack from the Crimean Khanate
Carrying out a fateful security mission, the city experienced more than one destruction from wars and riots But the most terrible tragic events that demonstrated to the world the courage of Russian soldiers happened during the Great Patriotic War
The city, which at that time bore the name of the leader of the state, was a transport hub for the most important land and river routes that united the southern Russian lands with the center of the country
The fall of Stalingrad, according to the plan of the fascist command, should have ended with the end of the war in favor of Nazi Germany, since control of the Volga provided access to the oil riches of the Caucasus, to the most fertile lands of the Kuban and Don
The capture of Stalingrad would inevitably lead to the destruction of the communication link between the center and the south of the country, would complicate the general supply of the Soviet Army, and at the same time would make it easier for the Germans to attack the Caucasus
Trying to capture the most important strategic facility, Hitler sent a huge army to Stalingrad, twice the size of the Red Army in terms of the number of soldiers and equipment
Russian soldiers had one advantage over the enemy: unlike the fascists who started the world war, the Russians defended the Fatherland, for them the war was not a world war, but a Patriotic one
When the Fatherland is in danger, the superiority of the enemy does not matter The Russians fought not with numbers, but with skill, as the greatest Russian commanders taught
In the summer of 1942, the greatest battles began on the banks of the Volga Soviet soldiers showed courage, heroism, perseverance, and perseverance In the fiercest battles, thousands of glorious defenders lost their lives, and thousands more were seriously injured
The Battle of Stalingrad lasted for six months After 4 months of defensive battles, the offensive began on November 19, 1942 Fascist troops were defeated on February 2, 1943
The crushing defeat brought confusion to the ranks of the Nazis and their allies The victorious outcome turned the course of the Second World War 180 degrees, giving the initiative to conduct military operations to the Soviet command and bringing victory over fascism closer
February 2 - On Victory Day in the Battle of Stalingrad, we will honor the memory of every soldier, officer who died on the battlefield or died in the post-war period Let us bow to those who have lived to this day
Let the words about the lessons of military history not become an empty banal phrase, and let the millions of lives given for the victory over fascism appear every time in stern silence before the eyes of those who again and again try to start a war