The period of childhood remains in a person’s memory for the rest of his life For many, childhood is associated with visiting preschool institutions and memories of their teachers
Preschool education is a solid foundation on which the formation of personality and its harmonious development are based Therefore, it is only fair that it receives special attention One of the signs of such attention is the establishment of a holiday - the Day of the Teacher and all preschool workers, in honor of the people who are directly involved in the process of introducing a little person to the big world It is customary to honor the work of educators in the Russian Federation every year on September 27th
Until the mid-19th century, there were no kindergartens in Russia Parents independently (or with the help of home educators) were involved in the early development of their children
The first kindergarten was opened in St Petersburg through the efforts of Sophia Lugebiel, the wife of the famous philologist, professor Karl Lugebiel This happened in the fall of 1863 Pupils of the first preschool institution (aged from 3 to 8 years) were under the guidance of a professional teacher for the first half of the day, learned the rules of communication and public behavior, acquired self-care and hygiene skills, and acquired basic knowledge about nature and the world, morality and ethics
The opening date of the first kindergarten coincides with the celebration of Teacher's Day, officially recognized in 2004 thanks to the efforts of representatives of the pedagogical community - publishers of literary articles related to preschool educational level, and authors of educational programs for the little ones
The role of a teacher in modern society is very significant, and the work is responsible and prestigious
A modern preschool worker must not only be a highly educated person, have a good knowledge of preschool development programs, be interested in innovative developments, understand psychology, be able to get along with children, organize their leisure time, but also have high moral principles and deep human qualities: to be wise, patient, balanced, attentive, caring
Traditionally, on this holiday, teachers and all employees of preschool institutions receive congratulations and thanks for their responsible work Festive events are held in kindergartens, in which pupils of the heroes of the celebration, both current and former, actively participate After all, many schoolchildren and adults come on this day to thank their former teachers for their contribution to their development and formation
In working groups, new ideas and training programs for preschoolers are analyzed, ways to solve pressing issues and prospects for the further development of preschool institutions are discussed
And their implementation mainly depends on attracting as many people as possible to the preschool educational level for whom raising children is a real calling