Since 2008, Lawyer Day is celebrated annually in Russia on December 3 Until this time, there were holidays only for certain categories of profession By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the holiday received official status and united all servants of Themis
From 1864 until the October Revolution, law enforcement officials celebrated their holiday on December 3, the day of the adoption of statutes and laws for judicial reform, for which Germany served as a model With the advent of Soviet power, a lot changed, and Lawyer Day was abolished But today the historical tradition of celebration has been restored
The legal profession is one of the oldest Mentions of it begin in ancient times Then they were assistants in legal proceedings, and the laws were based on customs that had developed over centuries During the times of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, legal laws were already drawn up, a College of Pontiffs was established, charged with the responsibility of resolving controversial issues through the interpretation of law
Since then, along with laws and legal reforms, the profession has increasingly developed, modified, and been divided into categories In Russia, legal roots also go back centuries, but formally there were no specializations Only under Peter I the position of bailiff appeared, later - the prosecutor's office, and more recently - the legal profession
On December 3 in Russia, all specialists with legal positions celebrate the holiday Prosecutors and judges, lawyers and notaries, bailiffs, investigators and legal advisers More than 700 thousand Russian students preparing to receive their law degrees join the celebration
Lawyer's Day is not a day off, so in many organizations the ceremonial congratulatory part takes place in the morning Flowers, certificates, prizes, gifts with the symbols of the holiday are presented And the banquet part is transferred to the evening, to a cafe or restaurant
On this day there are a lot of events dedicated to the holiday Concerts, performances by artists, corporate events, legal conferences And the main event of the day, the presentation of the highest legal award in 6 categories “Lawyer of the Year”
On this important solemn day, not a single worker in the legal industry should be left behind A lawyer is one of the most complex and sought-after professions of our time, which commands respect and respect Knowledge of law and justice is necessary in any area of human and state life