Scientists explain the magical aroma of hot baked goods by the presence of 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-acetopyridine in it This volatile compound is very unstable, so as soon as the bread cools, it stops smelling The unique aroma appears as a result of the interaction of more than 60 ingredients and depends on the type and type of flour, the dough recipe, the addition of various additives (anise, caraway, hops, coriander, sesame) and the duration of baking November 19th is Smell of Fresh Bread Day
A lush loaf with a crispy crust on the table in the house has long been a symbol of well-being Bread was considered a sacred dish - it was used to greet dear guests and newlyweds, thereby appealing to God's mercy Therefore, flour products were always baked with folk spells, and after Russia adopted Christianity - with prayers, making the sign of the cross
Each country and region has its own historical traditions of preparing baked goods In Israel, thin unleavened flatbreads (matzo) are popular, in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Tajikistan - aromatic naan with spices (saffron, cardamom, turmeric, coriand, paprika) In Russia they bake white, rye and whole grain bread, in Armenia - lavash, in Georgia - shoti, in Uzbekistan - shirmay-nan with anise-pea sourdough, in Mexico and Spain - tortilla, in Italy - ciabatta with olive oil, herbs and garlic
The famous poem by D Rodari “What crafts smell like” begins with the following lines:
The aroma of bread largely depends on the type of grains, sourdough or sourdough with kefir, milk, kvass or beer, and various additives But even with the simplest cooking recipe, a fresh loaf gives off an indescribable pleasant smell of satiety and well-being
Bread, one of the most popular food products, is dedicated to songs and poems A scene from the film “The Fate of Man” is included in the classics of world cinema, where S Bondarchuk’s hero divides the land among all the inhabitants of a barracks in a German camp
This song was performed for the first time in 1978 by the Kuban Cossack Choir It is no coincidence that it emphasizes the reverent attitude towards bread, thanks to which people survived during the Great Patriotic War
The calorie content of products made from wheat, rye and whole grain flour has made them the most popular dishes In many countries around the world, bread and flatbreads are a separate product, eaten with fillings, butter, jam and meat Residents of Russia eat the first and second courses with slices of loaf, and sometimes eat it with cereals and other flour products This creates a feeling of fullness during numerous fasts and allows you to eat less food
French scientists have found that people become kinder when smelling baked goods After all, most of us associate hot bread with home comfort and warmth, family well-being and prosperity It’s not only the crispy crust and airy crumb of the loaf that excites the appetite, but also its aroma In honor of this unique characteristic of flour products, the Day of the Smell of Fresh Bread was established