Life without railway communication is now simply unthinkable The appearance of a large number of electric trains, trains, and freight trains has significantly simplified human life, because it has become possible to move around with speed and comfort A huge number of letters, parcels, parcels, goods, materials and raw materials, as well as heavy and oversized cargo can reach anywhere in the world This is why the work of a railway worker is so important On their professional holiday, every citizen pays tribute to railway workers
Every year, on November 4, Ukrainian Railway Worker's Day is celebrated The beginning of the celebration dates back to 2003 and the corresponding Decree was signed by L Kuchma And initially, in 1993, President Kravchuk signed a Decree establishing a professional holiday on the first Sunday in August After the initiative of the Lviv Railway, the date was changed in December 2002 In other countries of the former Soviet republics, this holiday is celebrated on other days
The holiday was established in Russia in 1896 It was dedicated to the birthday of Nicholas I, who began the construction of railways During his reign, the first railway was built to Tsarskoe Selo - it was intended for walking, as well as the first all-Russian highway from St Petersburg to Moscow Until 1917, Railway Worker's Day was celebrated on June 25 When the October Revolution died down, the holiday was forgotten for almost two decades And only in 1936 in the USSR the tradition of honoring the work of railway workers was revived The government decided to celebrate this day on July 30, and later the date was moved to the first Sunday in August
In 1996, at the same time that the Constitution of Ukraine was adopted, the Law “On Railway Transport” was adopted It included the most important economic and financial aspects of the operation of railway transport, and also established a regulatory framework for safety, work in emergency conditions, security of both cargo and industry facilities, and labor relations between employees
In February 2004, the first Conference of the Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders was held in Kyiv Delegates from all railway enterprises of Ukraine took an active part in the work It was decided to celebrate the Day of the Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders on the first Sunday in August And since almost all railway workers are members of the trade union, they thus have two professional holidays
The holiday is celebrated by everyone who is in any way involved in trains, railways, stations and stations This holiday concerns both the simple lineman and the Minister of Transport Railway workers work tirelessly every day, put their souls into their work and thereby serve for the good of the state Thanks to the development and improvement of railway communications between cities and countries, economic growth also occurs
The railway is one of the most efficient means of transport and this is all thanks to the hard work of the railway workers Ordinary people associate the train with vacations, travel, and business trips But for railway workers, life is in full swing without breaks or rest On their professional holiday, all employees of carriage and locomotive depots and stations will receive congratulations, awards from the government and the most generous wishes On this day, a lot of special events and meetings are held, at which memories, achievements and interesting facts are usually announced, which industry veterans and leading experts willingly share