Every year, the Earth Hour event is held all over the world This event is organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) on one of the last Saturdays in March The Earth Hour event was first held in Australia in 2007, with the support of a famous daily newspaper published in Sydney Already in 2008, the action received worldwide support and millions of followers In 2009, the event began to be supported in Russia
The essence of the event is that all participants turn off all electrical appliances (except vital ones) and turn off the lights for exactly an hour Usually the event is held in the evening It is in the evening that people turn on the lights in their apartments and at this hour you can watch from the window as other participants join the event
The point of the action is not at all to save the amount of electricity consumed, but to draw the attention of people around the world to the problem of climate change and the ecology of our planet, and to spread this widely to the masses Around the world, approximately 2 billion people support the idea of WWF; in Russia, the number of followers is about 20 million At the appointed hour, the lights of St Basil's Cathedral, Red Square, Gum and more than 1000 other buildings in Moscow go out Both ordinary residents of countries and large organizations participate in Earth Hour The city administration is responsible for turning off lights in cities
The World Wildlife Fund is seriously concerned about the pollution of the Earth's ecology In 2003, scientists made calculations and stated that if human activity in relation to nature remains the same, then by 2050 it will be necessary to look for a new planet, because our planet may simply not have enough resources and places for waste disposal New planets are good, but finding and exploring them can take hundreds, or even thousands of years The picture is sad and many people are aware of the global critical situation, trying to follow WWF recommendations in order to contribute to the preservation of the environment and climate The recommendations are quite simple, everyone can follow them in the name of saving our future
The World Wildlife Fund cites very bleak statistics: 1 A third of food around the world is simply thrown away
2 Forests are cut down for paper, but 45% of what is printed in offices every day is thrown into the trash
3 Thousands of tons of CO2 are released into the air every day, which leads to accelerated climate change The life of humanity depends only on humanity, this is what the organizers of Earth Hour want to convey
Of course, even such an important event is often criticized, but there are many times fewer critics than those who actively support the action, and this cannot but rejoice You can find out the exact time of the action on the official WWF website or any news portal