For the entire Christian society, Easter is considered the most important and respected holiday of the year The Catholic Church celebrates this date on the first Sunday after the full moon immediately after the spring equinox
In recent years, Easter has become more than just a religious celebration with the performance of appropriate rituals Today it is a wonderful tradition that has spread throughout the planet and united many nationalities This holiday is revered by people; it is celebrated not only by everyone who believes in God, but also by those who have never been interested in religion
Preparations for the celebration begin well in advance Catholics buy gifts for their relatives and friends Housewives stock up on ingredients to prepare delicious treats Eating a quick meal at the end of Great Lent occurs precisely with the use of these offerings And if in Russia decorated eggs are an integral symbol of Easter, in most Western countries the Easter bunny is an obligatory component According to an ancient German legend, hares bring and hide eggs during the holiday Thanks to this belief, in some countries such family fun as “rabbit hunting” is quite popular The point of the game is to search for decorated eggs hidden by furry animals in the yard of the house or in the garden All children and teenagers look for treats with great pleasure during spring break Other entertainment includes a game with colored eggs, but with a different plot: they are thrown among themselves, rolled down a slide, broken, scattering the shells Colored eggs are given to loved ones; girls in love present them to their boyfriends in exchange for palm branches
On the morning of the holiday, young people go from house to house, singing songs and bestowing congratulations on their owners This tradition is reminiscent of carols held at Christmas Throughout the week, people worship in churches Various performances dedicated to religious themes are held on the streets
Many Western countries have their own unchanged customs for celebrating Easter For example, residents of Germany begin to celebrate the holiday on Friday - this day is an official day off, and fish is the decoration of every table On Saturday, a bonfire is lit in the central squares of all cities, absorbing all negative thoughts and emotions over the past year On Sunday, after attending church, family members gather at one table
In Poland, Easter is celebrated for two days On Sunday, the whole family gathers to read prayers and eat treats - eggs, homemade sausage, horseradish and Easter On Monday, the most interesting part of the celebration begins - on the street, all passers-by douse each other with water, thereby washing away all the bad things
There are a huge number of Easter customs But the most important tradition is to gather the whole family around a large table with treats on this bright day