A person can live without food for about 40 days, but provided that he is in good health and does not undergo heavy physical activity American scientists came to this conclusion after numerous experiments on volunteers Researchers at the University of California have found that three-day fasts are beneficial for the body - they strengthen the immune system, stimulate the division of stem cells, reduce the synthesis of enzymes that accelerate the aging process, and reduce the concentration of hormones responsible for the growth of tumors in the human body
However, only three-day fasts bring benefits, and long-term diets undermine health Even if we do not consider the risk of developing anorexia and a number of psychological problems, there is no benefit from them Fat deposits are not burned without physical activity, but the concentration of glucose and, accordingly, insulin decreases, the number of ketone bodies increases, which increase the acidity of the blood, which is why the body slowly poisons itself After a hunger strike, he not only gains excess weight, but also stores up energy for the future, what if the person decides to go hungry again?
Every year, Freedom from Hunger Day is celebrated on September 28th The initiative to establish the holiday belonged to the organization of the same name, which held its first events back in 2006 Almost everyone is familiar with hunger Some refuse food for the sake of a beautiful figure or to maintain health, while others - due to current circumstances Freedom from Hunger Day is dedicated to the second category of people who are involuntarily undernourished
Voluntary fasting is the prerogative of residents of “well-fed” countries This holiday is a symbol of the fight against hunger A problem that seems unthinkable in our age of technological progress is becoming more and more frightening every year Freedom from Hunger is an international organization whose volunteers work in Ghana, Haiti, India, Honduras, Bolivia, Benin, and Ecuador Its employees are fighting hunger in almost twenty countries around the world
The headquarters of this non-profit organization is located in California As planned, Freedom from Hunger Day should attract public attention to this problem, because with joint efforts it can be solved, and you will see for yourself at the end of the article
The population of our planet is growing every year The development of medicine has largely contributed to the sharp decline in mortality In 1804, there were about 1 billion people on the planet, and today the same number of people are hungry, with the population rising to 78 billion in 2020 Such drastic changes are fraught with the emergence of new problems Among them, the most dangerous is considered to be the depletion of resources, primarily fresh water and food
According to statistics, every seventh person on the planet falls asleep hungry every day And these people do not torture themselves with exhausting diets; they do not have the opportunity to eat to their fill For nearly 1 billion people, hunger is a stark reality, not an abstract threat The most depressing picture emerges in Africa The hungriest country is South Sudan Here, almost 70% of the population is starving Kenya occupies second place in this sad ranking In this country, just over half the population is hungry - 51% In third place is Nigeria, where the situation is little better - “only” 47% of the population suffers from hunger
However, what is more frightening is not the numbers, which clearly demonstrate the terrible food situation in a number of countries Scientists have calculated and come to an astonishing conclusion: literally all starving Africans could be fed if we collected the food that residents of developed countries throw away
The highest mortality from hunger is observed in countries with very high population densities, which live in conditions of severe shortage of natural resources Hunger usually goes hand in hand with a lack of clean drinking water Freedom from Hunger Day, celebrated on September 28, aims to draw attention to these and other important points