Ukrainian Entrepreneur's Day is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September Currently, about one and a half million entrepreneurs are registered in the state Quite a significant figure for a country with not the most developed economic infrastructure But this particular holiday is intended to celebrate the invaluable contribution of small and medium-sized businessmen to the economic development of their beloved country
In 1998 (not so long ago by historical standards), the head of the country, Leonid Kuchma, made a decision and signed the most important decree, in which he noted the direct participation and invaluable role of entrepreneurs in the implementation of reforms (economic) and resolution of social problems in the country The date for celebrating Entrepreneurs' Day was also set - the first Sunday in September The overwhelming number of businessmen reacted to this kind of resolution with understanding and enthusiasm After all, this factor in practice confirmed their role in the promotion of a huge and systematically developing state
According to already established traditions, Entrepreneurs' Day is celebrated quite brightly and on a large scale Fairs, exhibitions, and forums are held, during which partnerships and full-fledged cooperation are formed between representatives of the ruling elite and ordinary entrepreneurs
We should not forget about ordinary citizens of the country They are provided with a huge range of entertainment, where everyone can choose exactly what they like There is everything here to relax and truly experience this significant (for a significant part of the country’s population) date After all, all the foundations of the state in some way rest on small and medium-sized businesses, and without the help of entrepreneurs it is almost impossible to make a push for the future advancement of a huge country
In addition to everything else (described above), large-scale concert venues are organized, where “pop stars” come to perform On this memorable day, congratulations are heard everywhere to entrepreneurs, they are awarded insignia You can also hear wishes about further development, the emergence of new clients and stability in the financial position of a particular company