It is difficult for a person to plan for the distant future if he does not periodically analyze the present You can take stock, evaluate and review your goals on October 19th during Evaluate Your Life Day A funny holiday encourages you to take a fresh look at the events of the past and present in order to understand how happy you are and whether something needs to be changed in order to achieve inner harmony and balance
The initiators of more than 80 memorable days are the American theater and film actor Thomas Roy and his wife Ruth The dates of the unique celebrations, the reasons and reasons for their celebration are published on the website of the married couple wellcatcom Each day is copyrighted by the Thomas family, who have privately trademarked Wellcat Holiday & Herbs Artistic celebrations have become popular after being advertised online, featured in the Los Angeles Times, and featured on television shows
Among the celebrations invented by the Roys, there are many absurd and even strange ones: for example, Walk with Your Own Flowers Day, during which owners are invited to walk down the street with their indoor plants The Wellcat Holiday & Herbs list includes holidays on the national Chase Calendar of Events - celebrations honoring jerks, grumpy co-workers, cat herders, lip appreciation, etc
Rate Your Life Day is enjoyed by most people who think cheerfully, positively and are optimistic about the future What do people do in honor of Evaluate Your Life Day? October 19 is celebrated by everyone who wants to understand what stage of their life’s journey they are at On this day, people are invited to soberly assess the circumstances and people around them, answering the question: “Am I happy?” Evaluate Your Life Day helps to reconsider previously set goals and ways to achieve them if a person feels depressed and dissatisfied with life
Psychologists suggest on this day to analyze the state of your own affairs and understand what brings satisfaction and joy, and what irritates and depresses Yes, the “Evaluate Your Life” holiday can be associated with painful reflections and unpleasant discoveries However, they are the ones who will help in planning the future and determining ways to achieve your goals As a result of this annual recapitulation (as one of the energy practices is called), held on October 19, new bright prospects appear on the horizon You will discover amazing discoveries about yourself and the people with whom you interact Life begins to shine with bright colors, understanding and confidence comes that every new day is a step towards a happy future