November 9 in Germany is considered a special, fateful day Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, significant events for the country that influenced its history and development were associated with this date The term "schicksalstag" began to be actively used after the Second World War and the fall of the Berlin Wall Politicians and journalists cannot find an explanation for the phenomenon of the Fateful Day, which marks significant milestones and turning points in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany
The first date among others related to Schicksalstag is November 9, 1848 On this day, Robert Blum, the leader of the Vienna Uprising and the liberal political forces of the country, was executed This became a symbol of the defeat of the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1848-1849 for the unification of Germany
Social tension in society led to global political changes In 1918, on November 9, the monarchy was abolished - Kaiser Wilhelm II was overthrown from the throne Philipp Scheidemann was elected Deputy Prime Minister (Reich Chancellor) The politician of the social democratic camp proclaimed the creation of the Weimar Republic November 9 is associated with terrible events in the history of Germany and the whole world: in 1923, the Nazi Party appeared in the political arena as a result of the Beer Hall Putsch, in which Hitler announced plans to overthrow power, and in 1925, the SS troops (Schutzstaffel)
Kristallnacht, whose pogroms ended with the death of more than 1,300 Jews, marked the beginning of the widespread introduction of anti-Semitism From November 9 to 10, 1938, hundreds of synagogues were set on fire throughout Germany, and windows in shops owned by Jews were broken The same day in 1967 was remembered for the beginning of student protests in Germany, organized by students of the University of Hamburg
However, November 9 is also associated with joyful events in the life of German society In 1989, the beginning of the fall of the symbol of confrontation between two political systems - the Berlin Wall - began For 28 years, the capital of Germany was divided into 2 parts, belonging to the capitalist Federal Republic of Germany and the socialist GDR The Wall, the epitome of the Cold War, was destroyed and hundreds of German families were finally united after long separation Until November 9, 1989, citizens of the GDR were not able to freely travel to capitalist countries, incl - to West Berlin The destruction of the 155 km long concrete spike, built in August 1961, became a symbol of the fall of shackles, freedom and justice
On November 9, 1990, on the anniversary of the destruction of the Berlin Wall, an agreement was signed between the USSR and Germany on mutually beneficial neighborhood and cooperation The agreement, signed by MS Gorbachev and G Kohl, marked a new era in the history of Europe According to it, all disputes that arise between countries will be resolved exclusively by peaceful means without threats or the use of force The signing of the agreement on good neighborly relations is the last significant event falling on November 9, a fateful day for the people of Germany