World Post Day owes its origins to the Universal Postal Union This event is also called World Post Day and the specific date - October 9 - was set at the UPU Congress in 1969 in Tokyo Initially, the holiday was given the name World Postal Union Day and a year later it began to be celebrated in an international format
World Post Day is celebrated all over the world; it is included in the list of International Days and is under the protection of the UN The moment of celebration falls on a seven-day period called Letter Week It was created a little earlier, in 1957, also at the UPU Congress During Writing Week, conferences and forums are held to discuss innovations around the world and innovations in the field of communications The role of postal services in the life of society is discussed in a separate line
The purpose of World Post Day is to strengthen communication between people and promote contacts through writing Many countries actively promote written communications on this day, often through exhibitions with the opportunity to purchase branded goods The assortment is incredibly wide - here you can buy both exclusive envelopes and the simplest postal trinkets The theme of World Day changes from year to year
Throughout our entire life on the planet, humanity has experienced an urgent need for communication Initially, a person had the only tool with which he conveyed the necessary information to his interlocutor - his voice When articulate speech was mastered, the communication process became significantly easier In addition to the voice, other “improvised” means were actively used - fire smoke, beating the drum Further, information began to be delivered to the desired location with the help of messengers, and the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt invented “live” mail to connect the pharaohs with the outside world Later, the “services” of birds began to be used - the name “carrier pigeon” became a catchphrase and is used even now, in the age of electronic technology Since writing had already been mastered in those days, pigeon mail gained popularity for a long time
Letters were sent over particularly long distances using horses when it came to transportation within the mainland Or the mail “floated” on the sea A courier was sent within one or two cities
In the last two centuries, when progress has rushed forward in giant leaps, the development of such industries as mechanical engineering, shipping, and railway transport has significantly simplified the delivery of mail The speed of delivery of messages has increased, mail has turned from a purely state mail into a public one Due to increased demand from the population, the cost of postal services began to decline
A few decades ago, modern technology seemed like a fantasy from the distant future, but now via the Internet you can send an electronic message to the other end of the continent in seconds This saves a lot of time and money And when every inhabitant of the planet has a computer with access to the Internet, the profession of a postman may no longer be in demand
By the way, the first envelope looked completely different from its modern relative The ancestors tried to preserve the message by any means - they wrapped it in ropes, covered it with a thin layer of clay and left it to dry in the sun The latest version of the envelope is made of thin plastic, which is lightweight, dense and resistant to mechanical stress
The long-lived post office is located in Scotland, its age is more than three centuries, which is already 130 years longer than the age of a regular postage stamp
There is a tradition all over the world - on October 9, write a regular paper letter to your loved ones Why not go back to basics, at least for one day, by abandoning modern technology?