Psychologists call the habit of putting off doing important things until later the term “procrastination” This phenomenon can greatly complicate life, leading a person to chronic stress, causing discontent and anger among others September 6 is the Day to Fight Procrastination - the pathological habit of delaying completing tasks or making decisions until the last minute
Laziness is inherent to most people to one degree or another Not all assignments and responsibilities are accepted, so the desire to complete them later is understandable However, constant postponement of matters related to work, study or other areas of activity should not become the norm, leading to an emergency rhythm of life Trying to do everything previously planned in one fell swoop and at the very last moment leads to internal tension, psychological discomfort and the development of feelings of guilt When a person is lazy or takes a break from work, he replenishes his energy reserves The procratinator, on the contrary, loses it, constantly experiencing anxiety and negative emotions
There are many reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon: • fear of important events and changes in life; • inability to set priorities (what is important and what is secondary); • lack of planning skills; • the idea fixed in the brain that everything is done at the last moment quickly and efficiently; • perfectionism; • inability to make decisions; • lack of internal motivation; • fear of failure or, conversely, of achieving success
Procrastination irritates both the boss of the careless worker, negatively affecting labor productivity, and the teacher who supervises the scientific activities of the graduate student A person who puts off everything until later cannot be relied upon, so family members, friends and acquaintances are often dissatisfied with him A negative habit can greatly ruin your life - procrastinators have low salaries compared to other people, they get sick more often and experience psychological problems due to constant worries Overcoming yourself is the right way out of this situation
Putting off tasks until later is often due to the fact that a person has no interest in work or study Therefore, to increase motivation, you should change your field of activity The slogan of the Anti-Procrastination Day is DO IT! (“Do it!”) To maintain a positive attitude, psychologists recommend starting to reward yourself for success - small but daily victories over a bad habit
The main thing in the fight against procrastination is planning: you need to learn to break things down into categories according to importance and urgency While performing them, you should exclude distractions - put your phone on silent mode, close the window if noise is coming from the street Some people need to achieve inner balance (for example, through meditation) to successfully start work, others need to have a snack Psychologists recommend combining business with pleasure - watching a movie with walking on a treadmill, playing music while cleaning the house
Success is achievable if all of the listed methods are adopted and not postponed until later You don't have to wait until Monday to start your life anew or start fighting procrastination For a successful start on the path to overcoming bad habits, September 6 is the perfect day to combat procrastination