Cats, one of the most beloved pets, give their owners unconditional love and tender tenderness The owners respond to them with care and affection Fluffy lumps touch, on the one hand, with their defenselessness, on the other, with their independence and self-sufficiency Dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, decorative rabbits and chinchillas envelop their owners with tenderness like a cloud With their affection, they protect household members from troubles and worries, relieve them from worries and worries December 2 is the Day of Fluffy Tenderness
A special reverent and affectionate attitude towards a loved one or animal is difficult to convey in words Tenderness is a reflection of love, one of its manifestations This feeling comes from the very heart, enveloping, like fog, the dearest being Musical and poetic works are dedicated to tenderness and its manifestations One of the most famous is R Rozhdestvensky’s poem “Echo of Love”:
December 2 is the perfect day to show care and attention to loved ones “True tenderness cannot be confused with anything, and it is quiet,” said A Akhmatova In honor of the holiday, people meet, exchange warm hugs and kisses, and have leisurely conversations at a set table
The theme of love, reverent attitude towards a loved one, melancholy due to the inability to be nearby was played out more than once in poetry and songs of Soviet times The most famous of them is “Tenderness” performed by M Kristalinskaya, dedicated to Yu Gagarin and all test pilots The author of the poems, N Dobronravov, also wrote a second version of the song, where the narration is told from the perspective of a male cosmonaut speaking from earthly orbit to his beloved:
This song became popular thanks to the performance of I Kobzon and Y Gulyaev
There are no strict traditions for celebrating Furry Tenderness Day On December 2, people exchange various signs of attention, say kind words, and send each other cute pictures with pets In honor of the holiday, there are wishes to be in the arms of a pet, to receive a kiss from a fluffy, to immerse your hands in their soft and silky fur These touches will definitely melt the ice on your heart, leaving no trace of anxiety and fatigue For the sake of moments of joy, peace and tranquility, a funny holiday was invented - the Day of Fluffy Tenderness