According to the popular calendar, the Day of Longinus the Centurion falls on October 29 On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the saint from Cappadocia, who, together with other soldiers, served at the crucifixion of Christ and witnessed all the miraculous phenomena at the Cross of the Lord According to popular belief, it is believed that you should not quarrel with anyone during the holiday, since anger can bring misfortune
Longinus the Centurion, by the will of fate, witnessed the crucifixion of Christ and saw all the miracles that happened after that Before his eyes, an eclipse of the sun occurred, an earthquake and the dead rose from the opened coffins Impressed by what he saw, Longinus believed that Jesus was the son of God It was he who had to pierce the crucified Messiah with a spear The centurion, who had very poor vision, regained his sight after blood came into his eyes
He reported his healing, the miracles he saw and the resurrection of Jesus to Pontius Pilate After this, the bishops and elders paid the soldiers money so that they would not tell anyone about the Resurrection of Christ and told the people that the disciples of the Messiah had stolen the body at night
The centurion did not take the money and told people that he had seen the miracle of the resurrection of Christ After this, Longinus decided to leave his service and leave Jerusalem for Cappadocia There he was baptized and began to preach the Word of God Having learned about the centurion's departure, Pilate accused him of daring to disobey the orders of the Roman authorities, and ordered Longinus to be executed
The saint learned that he would have to suffer martyrdom by revelation from God When the soldiers came to him to fulfill the will of Pilate, he and his like-minded people came out to meet them After this, the soldiers beheaded the preachers, who dressed in white robes and did not interfere with their tormentors
According to legend, by order of Pontius Pilate, Longinus's severed head was thrown into a garbage heap outside the city There she lay until a pious blind widow found her The woman buried her and then miraculously regained her sight
People believe that Longinus the Sotnik can heal eye diseases and protect the house from evil spirits The ancestors believed that the saint protected the home from all sorts of dangers
On October 29, warm things were taken out of chests, and then they were taken out into the cold so that they were filled with healing sunlight On this day it was customary to go to church Many blind people asked the saint for insight and lit candles in his honor
They also prayed to Longinus that there would be order in the house, and that evil spirits would bypass it Housewives baked pies and handed them out to those who passed by It was believed that if you did not treat the messenger Longinus, you could let the evil spirit into your yard
Hunters going out to hunt asked Longinus to make the hunt successful with the help of prayer
Unmarried girls baked pies on this day and brought them to the grooms' gates on this day If the groom came out and tried the pie, it means he loves it And if you tasted another girl’s pie, that’s a bad omen In the evening it was customary to tell fortunes about the betrothed Usually unmarried girls used to tell fortunes using water with a candle
To find out what the weather will be like in the near future, on the Day of Longinus the Centurion, it was customary to pay attention to various signs: 1 A strong gusty wind foreshadows rain2 If the wind blows from the southwest, bad weather will soon be expected, which will drag on for a long time3 If it rains in the morning, it won’t last long, but if it rains in the afternoon, it can rain for more than a day4 Rare clouds in the sky foreshadow clear frosty weather5 A pale moon with blurry edges means frosty weather;6 If the sky is starry at night, then the next day the weather will be warm7 When poultry stands on one leg, you need to wait for cold weather;8 Clouds floating against the wind mean heavy rain9 Hanging dark clouds - to the approaching bad weather10 If a layer of frost appears on the trees, you can expect warming
People born on October 29 are distinguished by their decisiveness, steadfastness and domineering character They always find unusual solutions to standard problems Their stone is agate Thanks to him, they can gain wealth and financial well-being