The Roman goddess Fortuna, whose prototype is the Greek Tyche, was identified with luck and success in all areas of life Temples were built in her honor, carnivals and religious holidays were held with gifts The goddess was depicted as a stately woman, leaning on a ball or wheel, symbolizing the variability of life, with a cornucopia in her hands December 2 is the Day of the mysterious and elusive, capricious, but at times favorable Fortune
The first to elevate the veneration of the goddess into a cult was the Roman consul Servius Tullius He came a long way in life from a slave to one of the highest positions in Ancient Rome, which historically only patricians could claim In honor of Fortune, who contributed to his dizzying career, Tullius built a temple on the right bank of the Tiber River Altars to Fortuna were erected not only by consuls, but also by legionnaires, artisans, merchants and representatives of other classes
The goddess did not immediately become a symbol of good luck and a happy occasion Initially, she patronized farmers and was considered the embodiment of fertility In ancient times, the harvest largely depended on natural factors that man could not influence Droughts, floods, locust invasions, or, conversely, ideal weather conditions were a matter of chance Therefore, farmers prayed to Fortune She was also believed to be the patron of women, women in labor and mothers Brides, as a sign of veneration and in the hope of a successful marriage, presented their wedding dresses to the goddess as a gift
The character from the cartoon "Treasure Island" sang about the changeability of fate:
Fortune is the personification of unexpected luck, variability and unpredictability She was considered the most fickle of the deities, because gave out gifts blindly Not only people, but also the inhabitants of Olympus depended on her favor In ancient times, the goddess was depicted with wings and various attributes: with a cornucopia from which coins fall, and with dice and a bridle Therefore, those who are passionate, prone to adventurism and dangerous adventures, pray to Fortune before starting important matters
An asteroid discovered in Augur in 1852 by the English astronomer John Hinn is named after the ancient Greek goddess To attract her attention, magical rituals and conspiracies have been invented that have been used from ancient times to the present day The image of Fortune is applied to coins, amulets and seals All these attributes, as well as faith in blind chance and lucky chance, help to attract success and luck into life And to finally win the favor of the capricious goddess, Fortune Day, which is celebrated annually on December 2, is called upon